Friday, December 23, 2005

Neo-con Pretzel Logic?

A few weeks ago, Sen. John Murtha called for the U.S. to start to withdraw troops from Iraq.
The right went bananas, with GOP spokeswoman, freshman Sen. Jean Schmidt saying, "Cowards cut and run, heroes do not."
That's right, this skinny, hawk-faced tinhorn chick from Ohio, only a few months in office, implied that retired Marine Col. Murtha, a much decorated, 20-year military veteran and a widely respected Senator with close ties to top military brass, was a coward.
Today Donald Rumsfeld announced the upcoming redeployment of two brigades out of the 17 the U.S. has in Iraq. Yes, he said he wants to get two brigades out of Iraq asap.
Which is it?
Is he bending to popular opinion, or as he claimed, trying to force the Iraqis to expedite the training of their own forces?
Who cares?
The guy's a two faced asshole who has been the worst, most dishonest, incompetent and despicable Secretary of Defense in history.
Fuck him. He has the blood of more than 2,000 American soldiers on his filthy hands.

1 comment:

Karen Zipdrive said...

Victory, in BushCo's secret terms, would have meant getting an American stronghold on their puppet democracy and thereby a stronghold on their oil production.
They thought it would be easy and they were mistaken.
1. BushCo lied about WMD's to get us in there.
2. Cheney lied and said it would be a brief war, and that our troops would be greeted as liberators and pelted with flowers and candy.
3. Everyone lied and said it would not be a block by block, mano a mano fight.
4. None of those idiots anticipated such a virulent, diverse insurgency.
5. Cheney lied about the insurgency being on its last legs.
6. None of them had an exit strategy.
7. None of them cared that the troops lacked armor or the necessary troop level to get the job done, before or after Saddam's ouster.
8. None of them will admit that this invasion and occupation of Iraq has raised the level of terrorist threats to America.
9. When generals have spoken out against the bad planning and execution of this war, they have been fired.
10. They can't exit and claim victory. What they are oblivious to, the rest of the world sees in technicolor.