Legendary Texas political powerhouse Bettie Naylor passed away last night peacefully in her sleep.
Bettie was a powerhouse lobbyist in Texas for many years, advocating for gays, women and the adult film industry.
A friend of both Democrats and reasonable Republicans, Bettie's charisma, chutzpah and huge personality allowed her to make a gigantic impact in the Texas legislature, helping legislators see the light and pass laws more favorable to women, gays and lesbians and other disenfranchised groups.
Her accomplishments were too numerable to list, and her friends included Ann Richards, Betty DeGeneres, Lily Tomlin, Phyllis Diller, Bob Bullock, and a million others.
Bettie helped found the Human Rights Campaign, America's largest gay and lesbian lobby.
Professional accolades aside, Bettie was the mother of my sister's partner of 25 years, Sharron. I always referred to her as my sister's "lover-in-law."
Family occasions usually included Bettie, who always livened up the day with hilarious stories and insider information on Texas politics.
She leaves behind her partner Libby Skyora, whom she called the love of her life.
She also leaves behind so many people whose lives she touched and loved her dearly.
Rest in peace, sweet lady. I love you, girl.
Wow. Big loss.
Blessings, Bettie.
Little Bettie dedicated most of her life to making sure women and especially GLBT's had a voice, her voice and it was mighty powerful.
I'll miss her every single day as a mother-in-law and as my very dear friend and confidante.
A side message to Bettie's spirit:
Wow, you're fast Bettie. Thanks so much for getting Obama to affirm gay marriage?
I wish you'd post like you used to. I miss reading your posts several times a week. :(
Bettie Naylor has just had a section of Austin's 4th Street named after her.
Nobody deserves it more.
Re-reading this post made me cry like a big old baby. Bettie left a huge void when she crossed over and we all miss her more than words can say.
I don't want to divulge too much of the last conversation we had, but key phrases included: Rick; Perry; ran whenever he saw me; because I knew; several, guys; he'd; ass-fucked.
Man, she was funny.
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