Has anyone noticed that the Middle East populations seem to be overthrowing all their governments?
How interesting I find this news.
I'll bet George W. Bush is glad he's out of office because all this unrest in the M.E. would definitely have given us some ideas.
What's your take on it?
I'm sure W is glad he and his thieving buddies made big $$ off of the Iraq war before their lowly citizens realized all they had to do was unite to oust their dictator. If this protest thing continues its going to take a hell of a financial bite out of all the greedy bastards getting rich from waging war.
do you think chimpy is even paying attention? i bet his attention is directed at playing golf and looking for the cheetos that fell in between the couch cushions.
I don't believe Bush could care less from the comfort of the fake ranch or wherever he lives in blissful, cosseted isolation these days. Still, it's good to see people demanding freedom themselves instead of having it imposed by W's friends. Watching right-wingers self-combust with confusion about whom to support is a lovely bonus!
Chimpy is definitely in a booze-induced haze right now, playing with his dogs and being generally stupid.
My only worry about all this protest and unrest is that gas prices are going up; I drive a lot for work, and I'm seeing a lot of my commissions go into the gas tank. But that's reality, man -- as long as we depend on their oil, that's how it's going to be. So I say, "REVOLT!"
Gas prices have been rising for months but the media chooses to ignore it. Its supposed to go up to $4 a gallon by the end of summer. Maybe then it'll be newsworthy or someone may even complain.
I was thinking lots of goody gumdrops thoughts, then I remembered the CIA's roles in previous revs.
Whaddya think?
Lulu, I'm wondering which of the new governments in the Middle East will conspire with the U.S. and which will turn on us.
I think we should offer to blow up Saudi Arabia as a gesture of good will.
$4 dollars a gallon...don't think I was alive when it was last at that price over here. If my crude maths are correct, petrol at my local supermarket (cheaper than the UK average) is now $9.29 per gallon.
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