This time, it really was time for a president to say,
"mission accomplished."
Now it's time to get out of the Middle East and end these idiotic wars.
The president did what he set out to do.
I loved that the Americans threw his carcass in the ocean rather than have his fanatic buddies give him a gigantic martyr's funeral.
The media said he was "buried at sea." LOL! I prefer "thrown in the ocean as fish chum."
Rest in Hell, Mofo.
Typical Obama, too wishy-washy to throw in some torture before getting rid of the old git.
Just kidding, although it's a bit disappointing to think that it was over so quickly for him.
We'll never know for sure, but if he survived for even one second I'm sure the guys who killed him made that last second feel like an eternity of pain. And I don't believe that they washed his nasty body and wrapped him in white cloth before feeding him to the fishes.
I think the NY Daily News sent the best farewell message to Osama:
"Rot in Hell"
I am still uncomfortable with this kind of John Wayne "justice". Or may be the US were afraid their former employee would give away too many secrets ?
"If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well
It were done quickly."
Macbeth, Act 1
Oh Herrison, ma cheri, you're French. It would take the United States 300 years to catch up with the French for Barbarianism toward her enemies.
Recall the guillotine, ma petit gateau? All we did was shoot the fucker and throw him to the sharks. We did not draw and quarter him, boil him in oil or throw a party to watch him decapitated.
Tell you what. When al qaida runs two highjacked French airliners into the Arc de Triomph or the Eifel Tower and kills off 3,000 Parisiennes, let me know how Sarkozy might react.
I thought the US copied the recent French cowboys who rescued the Japanese diplomat in the Ivory Coast shootout. The French troops wore night goggles, dropped down from helicopters and shot up tanks and trucks and exchanged machine-gun fire with armed forces on the ground.
Or what about France's le Jean Wayne approach they used to sink Greenpeace's ship The Rainbow Warrior?
Had the U.S. sunk a tiny sardine boat that belonged to a lone French fisherman, they would have gone bananas and petit Sarkozy would have first screwed Carla Bruni, then climbed up on his little step-stool and slapped Obama in the upper chest with his tiny silk glove.
@ Karen : I think this is where we should agree to disagree. Clearly I will not shed any tear for Ben Laden, but don't you see my point that in a civilized country, there is hardly any room for talion ? Methinks OBL knew too many things embarrassing for the US ....
(I heard that Faux News had inadvertently broadcast that Obama not Osama had died... true ?)
I thought the references to WWI and II were old skool, but Joan? Wow!
Nobody in the US will care about what he knew, certainly, but surely part of the greater problem is that too few have cared about other acts undertaken in their name, covert or not. The resort to labels such as "un-American", "you're worse", or similar drivel, when somebody questions a consensus, seems to be really useful for killing a conversation and nothing more.
Well said, Iain, and quite witty to boot.
The point I was trying to make with our esteemed French colleague Herrison was this:
Bin Laden was not shot and thrown to the sharks because of what the American government thought he might know, but because he masterminded 9/11.
Seriously, nobody in the U.S. cares about his alleged collusion at some point with our evil government; we just wanted him dead--as dead as the 3,000 Americans for whom he took credit for killing.
I'm not sure or not if France is indeed worse than the U.S. at Barbarian acts of retaliation.
But I do know we don't erect a 10 story, golden monument every time our military kicks someone's ass.
France has its own issues with Islamic terrorists, as does the UK.
Y'all oughtta be glad we lopped one of its many snake heads.
OBL's family has extremely close personal and financial ties with the Bush's and were allowed to leave the US safely immediately after 9/11. Keeping OBL alive served many purposes for the Bush mob and I'm sure he did know too much. But OBL didn't have any links to Obama and he needed killing so Obama took care of business.
Its fitting that Hitler and OBL died on the same day.
Indeed, KZ. Despite being opposed to death penalties, imagining all of the obstacles and risks that would come with keeping him alive, there was surely no alternative. I am honestly glad that he is gone, and even happier that none of the US troops involved died to make it happen. To me all questions about legality or morality are moot precisely because of 9/11 and the knowledge that he would do it again if given the chance. His death was humane in comparison and he deserved so much worse.
Wow, nobody here had the honesty to recognize the contribution to bin Laden's death that came from waterboarding.
IN case you haven't noticed, since Obama became president, the US has captured and/or killed virtually NO al-Qaeda big-wigs. Yeah bin Laden is the biggest fish, but he's got lieutenants all over the middle east, and when Bush was president, our intelligence people tracked down lots of them.
Not anymore.
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