I know Rachel Maddow has nothing to do with Thanksgiving, I just think she's hot, and so does every straight female Blogger I know. Enjoy feasting your eyes on her.
For the first time in 8 years, we have something to be truly grateful for--a new president who has intelligence, dignity and superb leadership qualities.
I believe America will start to heal at last.
I'm grateful for my cool family. We all get along and have fun together, so that's where I'll be on Turkey Day.
I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday.
Enjoy the time with your loved ones KZ. ;)
We are fighting off a bug here in Bako and it will probably only be myself and the ball n' chain..so perhaps I can get out of cooking? Fuck no...he still wants his turkey.
I adore Rachel and her wonderful self. Thanks for posting a pic of her.
Thank you for the gift you left! I got busted by MathMan as I drooled over it.
Have a wonderful holiday with your family!
Hey KZD, enjoy your T-giving and thanks! I too am a *straight* that thinks Rachel is hot!
Best you & yours, girl!
happy thanksgiving to you and yours, karen, and to all of your wonderful readers, too!
Grateful for knowing you!!!
Enjoy and let's have a Rachel Maddow-fest!
have a wonderful holiday
i like the black lab as well
ahh but Rachael did serve up a Thanksgiving editorial with a full serving of snark re the Bush admin & indictments & other uneasy exits.
She could not refrain from talkin' turkey (Bush).
She's thankful Bush is leaving-- me too.
Belated Happy T day to you
K... I hope you had a wonderful holiday.
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