Aren't they cute?
Every time I see their pictures I feel good about these two sweet little girls who get to live in the White House with their parents and their grandma.
Obama brings to office so many great symbols of hope, but even for an old curmudgeon like me, these two kids bring the most.
It's going to be fun watching them grow up.
You gotta wonder what they'll become as adults with the pedigrees they were born with. It makes me look forward to being an old lady one day. You?
Best kids ever!
Feel the same way, Karen. They are just so...adorable, with genuine, REAL smiles. They actually seem well adjusted. Brings back memories of Caroline and John John romping in the Oval office. Can't wait for that pic!
I hope Grandma moves into the WH too, I think she is a huge help with keeping them grounded.
They are so adorable...and I am not a big fan of chil'ren. ;p
They are adorable.
I love the symbolism of the Obama family moving into the White House. I hope Michelle's mother joins them, too. I think that would help keep their lives more consistent.
This is the first time I have admired a politician and his family to the extent of near envy. I liked the Clintons and I think they were great parents, but the Obamas are people I can relate to.
I'm already an old lady.
I'm in love with the whole family.
Can you even imagine Michelle letting either of these little dolls grow up to be busted for illegally boozing it up at a bar? Whatever Michelle didn't think to do to them for such behavior, I'm sure the First Grandma would take up the slack. And I'm thinking Barrack can make a scarily deep daddy voice when he needs to.
This is a sophisticated family with class and warmth, and this time even their father is decent and classy. We're blessed by the presence of the Obama family.
Like big sis sez, these two aren't going to be photographed wearing no undies doin' the drunk limbo at age 19-20.
This is a really wonderful, close-knit family. Love it.
Lulu, please!
I kissed you in the 70's--please do not ruin the memory now by calling yourself an old lady.
There are sexy old ladies Karen. But I just got up so I can't think of any at the moment.
Need coffee to kick start brain.
these girls are sweet & it will be nice to see kids running around the White House again.
But I kinda feel sorry for them too, every damned thing will be scrutinized, and they will be surrounded by secret service guards.
The Grandmother is moving in with them (not like there is not enough room in the place!), she will help with the kids.
Michelle is one smart cookie. She is going to use her time to do cool things in the White House & as first lady... not fashion shit... but things of substance. Use the position for good.
I can't think of what Laura B did in her 8 years there? Can you?
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