The super fancy Gulf of Mexico aquarium, located in South Texas (about 50 miles from Houston) is sponsored by BP and the rest of these scum sucking robber-baron oil companies.
What colossal gall they have to sponsor anything having to do with marine life.
It's like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) sponsoring a cub scout weenie roast. It's like Sarah Palin lecturing on English usage at Oxford. It's like Rush Limbaugh doing a Pilates video.
The longer this oil spill remains unchecked, the deeper my fury toward BP gets.
I'm so glad Obama and The Feds have launched a criminal investigation against BP, Halliburton and the rest of the greedy, negligent motherfuckers who allowed this to happen.
They are destroying an ecosystem, including the recently discovered coral reef formations deep in the Gulf waters. They are destroying the livelihoods of tens of thousands of residents in the Gulf area.
This spill makes the Exxon Valdez disaster look like an oil spot on a parking space.
Now film director James Cameron, Kevin Costner and some genius Ph.D chick are trying to solve it, because it's abundantly clear that nobody at BP knows what the fuck they are doing.
Once this is settled, I believe (and hope) that BP goes bankrupt and ceases to exist.
They really are a bunch of fucking monsters.
With their stock prices in the shitter, going under looks more and more certain.
Those friggin oil comp's always sponsor something ecological....fucking burns me up too.
hmmmmmmm.... and how do you really feel about BP? ;) Ya know, the thing of it is..... is was getting rather tired of Kevin Costner..... thought he was getting tiresome. Well........hat tips to him!!!!
Gee, karen, why don't you stop beating around the bush and just spit it out!
LOL, love this post! My sentiments exactly, hope you keep telling it like it is!
Oh, believe me, I edited out about 20 extra expletives.
And it occurs to me, blaming this on George Bush might seem far-fetched, but he was a so-called oil man, and he certainly has friends with ties to Halliburton, so it follows...maybe I'll add those extra expletives afterall.
Meanwhile, there's a huge storm raging in South Texas right this minute. If it's this bad in San Antonio, I imagine the Gulf waters are whipping all that sludge into a horrible frappe.
Well hell, they better keep that aquarium in premium shape it may be the last of remaining species from the Gulf.
Damn! I hope BP does not make the aquarium a kind of Smithsonian History museum of what used to be Gulf wildlife.
Amen. This might be the last place I can find nice Gulf shrimp, although eating it might be frowned upon.
Chevron has already earmarked $1billion to tear up some remote area off the coast of Australia which is mostly untouched by civilization. They know they'll get 10000 times their money back because the deals have been struck. We're too late and weak to stop these companies and we're not being offered viable alternatives because the people who have the power to make changes are already bought and paid for. And we have idiots like Palin et al who back up the greedy oil bastards. Other countries have diesel fueled vehicles that get 60-70 miles to the gallon, negligible pollution and yet the US doesn't allow them in the country. The deals are done folks, we're fucked.
Whatever it takes ... by whomever it takes. Some of the most brilliant and imaginative minds work in the film and artistic fields ... but if the damage is as extensive as it's looking to be, then this is one shit-stain that no one's going to be able to mop up.
Here's a link to an article ...
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