"NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage..."
I was truly shocked by this news.
Is there NEVER a time a couple can relax, let down their hair and just assume they'll be married until one of them dies?
I have a French friend who considers romantic fidelity a bourgeois concept that has no basis in reality. I'm starting to think she may be right.
I mean, come on, when Al and Tipper call it quits, is there hope for any couple?
I usually could care less and would not notice.
I am shocked. And I am saddened. And I can't exactly say why.
I feel the same way.
Celebrity divorces are so ho-hum, but these two divorcing comes as a total shock.
I'd like to comfort Tipper, wink wink nudge nudge.
this story was the first thing i saw when i woke up today. i was shocked. however, i'm not sad. if they think they'll be happier apart, then good luck to both of them.
I really do love Al, but it seems even his divorce lacks charisma!
LOL, Sue.
I like both of the Gores, and I took comfort in thinking their 40-year marriage was solid.
I hope this decision works for them, but it still makes me sad.
Hey...as someone who has been married multiple times..shit happens. People grow up and/or apart...nothing is forever folks..seriously.
I adore Al...Tipper was ok, a little too right for moi. They will probably still be very close...marriage is a state of mind and a piece of paper ain't shit.
As someone who lives here in middle Tennessee and who's followed Al's career from his days at The Nashville Tennessean, this came as such a shock. I normally could care less who's doing what to whom, who's divorcing, who's getting married or spawning... but Al and Tipper? They're like THE couple who expect to be there together forever.
Don't know why this makes me sad, but it does... (and I'm anything BUT a sentimental curmudgeon...)
I know! I guess Jimmy and Roslyn Carter will be splitting up next.
Or maybe Poppy Bush will dump Babs and run off with a younger woman- like an 80-year-old.
Poppy dumps Babs, goes for Laura and GWB goes back to being mama's boy.
LOL Fran. Or GWB ends up with Rick the Prick Perry.
Babs can supervise their playdates!
Actually, Poppy's had a lady on the side in Florida for years. You can go to cafes in the Keys and see pictures of the two of them together... just little regulars.
Perhaps that's what makes Babs such a control freak in other areas of her life...
Ugh. As a rule I frown on marital infidelity but in Poppy's case, who can blame him? Babs personality and her looks are on an even par. She's a three bagger if ever there was one.
Haven't they been in love since their teens? Maybe their lack of experience in love made them unappreciative of what they have in each other. They won't find better than what they have right now. I'm sad.
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