I used to enjoy The View, but now I hate it.
First, Whoopie Goldberg makes me sick. She's an eyesore, her smoke-smothered voice is grating, and she's the biggest closet dyke in the world.
Elizabeth Hassledork is stupid and so are her politics.
I don't care about Sherry Sheppard's stupid kid Jeffrey, or what "adorable" things he's doing. She's worse than Kathy Lee Gifford used to be about her damn kids.
Joy Behar talks over everyone, and although she's good away from the show, she's obnoxious on it.
And Barbara Walters is totally played out.
So there!
i never liked the view, and i hope that nobody considers it a true representation of women.
Tiresome, it was, the few times I saw it.
and now they are talking about a view for men
How origina!
When will they run the view for men? If it's daytime, I hope they gear it toward unemployed men.
Frankly, I see this as a vehicle for a dork like Bryant Gumble.
He's sickening.
But there is already a View for men...you take a quarter and...
I guess it would be a View for all the baby boomer men hanging around the house all day.
I never liked the View either. And I'm glad I missed Bahbah showing off her chest scar.
U forgot to mention how sherry is always talking about how horny she is. Its ridiculous, she's always trying to pick up any single or divorce guys that come on the view. I agree with u as welll, I hate Elizabeth too, hate her idiotic ideas and her politics. I also think that barbara is too old to keep up. She can even be seen nodding every once in a while. They only one I do like is Joy and I love how she over talks over everyone, she's the only with brains and some sense. And whoopi, I guess that's a no brainer lol
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