I Knew For Sure She Was Gay When I Saw This Pic
No straight woman would intentionally don this dominatrix costume and parade around in public. From the knee-high, black leather jackboots to the black military long coat, this ensemble screams dyke dominatrix.
If I picked up a date wearing this get-up, I'd know that later I might have to face discipline for some imaginary infraction.
It's enough she's a closet dyke, but I think she was mighty cheeky to send this secret gay message to her peeps: "I'm here, I'm queer, but don't tell!"
are those ferragamos?
Mostly I wonder if that overbite ever causes Randy Bean-Rice any discomfort when Condi's down unda.
Probably she thought it would turn Georgie on, since he's obviously so jazzed when Cheney comes in wearing his leather....
(ew, that made me kinda gag)
I think Condi would love for us all to think her heart belongs to W.
In truth, I think she'd rather do Laura than George. Eeuwww.
Republican sex--tell me that it doesn't really happen.
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