A Replacement for the Red Pick-Up
By now, we all know Fred Thompson used a leased red pick-up truck as a prop to get himself elected to the Senate. He got rid of it once he was elected and returned to the All-American, down-home comfort of a stretch limo.
Now that he's a little longer in the tooth and running for president, might I suggest this new form of campaign transportation more befitting a man of his age? And please note the extra large storage space for his medications, adult diapers and colostomy bag.
I bet he smells like cigars and urine.
is that the McCain model you have pictured?
No, the McCain model comes with emergency handcuffs for when he throws one of his infamous sudden prisoner of war anger flashbacks.
(holding in my laughter because I'm in a cubicle world is about to cause me to literally bust a gut)
Wow--love the storage space. Plenty of room in there for ego, right?
No, the ego is in the bed of the red pick-up truck.
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