On the bright side, President Obama did show up and make a nice speech at the Washington DC Human Rights Campaign gala.
That puts him about 100 points ahead of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
On the logical side, he does have a lot on his plate with two wars, high unemployment and an economy still near, if not circling, the drain. And the battle for health care reform--let's not forget that.
On the darker side, he's made a lot of pretty speeches about equal rights for gays but so far has done nothing.
I know he's a busy guy, but he has to remember one important thing: none of the other huge things on his plate actually voted for him, or donated money to his campaign.
When he's up for re-election, it'll be people, not things, who help him get re-elected.
He's got three more years to do something meaningful, such as repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell and the ridiculous Defense of Marriage Act. If he fails to live up to his promises, we queers may have to find another candidate to back.
I like Obama. I hope he doesn't let us down.
I think you got it. Obama supported a lot of things to a lotta folks.... and then took office in a shit-storm. I don't know how good a juggler he is... but he certainly cannot please everyone at once. (Like, I want the WAR OVER.... and I want it over sometime yesterday!!!) I think good things will happen. It was a nasty eight years.... eight months isn't going to fix much... yet.
I think Obama is doing a great job considering the shit storm that hit him in the face the second he entered the White House. I think he's sincere in his support of GBLT rights. But I think he has to get a couple of other things taken care of before he has the political capitol to push through the change on Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and DOMA. Keep the faith, he'll get there.
I hear Grayson has buttloads of money and he likes politics. If O can't get things done maybe Grayson will step up next time.
i know that i've been one of those people who was saying that 9 or 10 months is not enough time to turn the country around, but there are things that could have already been done and haven't (such as dadt). i think the time has come when obama needs to shit or get off the pot. pretty speeches are very nice, but let's see some action.
I agree with nonnie. I'm crazy for Obama but listening to Grayson I realize what's missing from Obama is backbone.
this article/ editorial says it all ....
Interesting article, Sonia, but I hope Obama doesn't assume he'll have a second term to drag this out. Now is the time.
Midterm elections could destroy the the fact is, Senate and House majorities, and he could issue executive orders not to act on DA/DT and DOMA today.
Obama could do this at any time. If he keeps dragging his feet it's not gonna help him.
I guess RELIGION still has too much influence on gov't.
Alan Grayson for president !!!!
Sonia, you have a wonderful way with words. I totally agree.
obama could have done a LOT of things with a wisk of a pen - like DADT. there are NO excuses - none
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