I try not to be a hater, but mainstream Islamics are hard to love when they refuse to condemn the words and actions of the fundamentalist hatemongers and terrorists in their midst.
Sometimes it's hard to embrace my beloved U.S. Constitution when it creates freedom and liberty for all, and a first amendment that is the cornerstone of a free press.
As such, I cannot in good conscience condemn the construction of a mosque in the shadows of Ground Zero.
I cannot in good conscience condone any damage done to the mosque or to its Islamic worshippers once it's built.
It's an odious aspect of living in a free society, much like Fox News is on the soiled hind end of the first amendment.
Advocates say it will be a center for peace and reconciliation.
They will no doubt recoil if protests against the location become violent, or even too aggressive. But they had the freedom to choose the location, and they must face the consequences of their decision.
Part of American freedom is making a bad decision and getting your ass kicked because of it. I won't be one of the ones kicking any Muslim asses, but I will sort of understand the outrage.
Interesting perspective Karen. I do however, disagree.
There are many Muslims who do decry that violence and extremism, but even among the so-called liberal press does not do a good job of reporting such things.
To deny the mosque (of which there are already others) in the (your term) "shadows of Ground Zero" seems prejudicial at best. Then who else do we get to deny and for what reason?
It just seems as if all of Islam is responsible for the acts of those who were at the root cause of 9/11. I can't accept that.
We can agree to disagree though, we have before and we will again at some point.
We agree that the mosque should be allowed to be constructed at that site.
You've always had a more charitabe heart than I on many issues.
I'm not crazy about most organized religions, Islamism included. And you're a practicing Catholic.
We arrive at the same conclusion about the mosque from different perspectives.
I am more begrudging about it, but ultimately I agree with you.
Oh and Fran, I'm pretty sure if the top Islamic clerics got together and called a news conference to publicly denounce terrorists and maybe announce plans to excommunicate any Islamic involved in Al Qaida or any violent sect, the media would cover it.
It's one thing for individual Muslims to denounce it, but until the Power Boys do, it's meaningless.
Religious freedom, for me is an all or nothing deal. Can't have religious freedom for select groups & discriminate against others.
Some right wing nut jobs were proposing just that, but the voice of reason prevailed.
i honestly don't understand why there is so much controversy. are people upset or surprised that there are muslims in nyc? should all of them be forbidden from walking or driving or living within a certain distance from ground zero? i know that sound ridiculous, but so does the protest against the islamic center. if it's designed to attract terrorists, then it's pretty stupid of the organizers to put it where it will get so much scrutiny. i think it really is an attempt to show that muslims are just like everyone else, and they want the same things that everyone else does--to raise their families and live well and peacefully. there are crazy fundies in all religions, so if there can't be mosques, then there should be no churches or synagogues either.
let's not forget that it might have been muslims who flew those planes into those buildings, but there were also muslims who rushed in to save people.
You've made some very convincing arguments. I completely forgot to include an American's right to freedom of religion in my post.
But we do have that right, including Islamics.
"...hind end of the first amendment."
I have no problem with the construction of the mosque, but I do fear what the ignorant and misguided will do to fight its construction and opening. It's not going to be pretty.
It does seem to have some antigonistic undertones to it.
Religious zealotry makes people do some crazy, ungodly stuff.
If the mosque is damaged after it opens, I don't think anyone will be shocked.
In fact, it will be shocking if nothing happens. Sad but true.
Let's see if the patriotism is reciprocated when Greg Gutfeld builds a gay bar next to the mosque. If they're okay with that, then I'm okay with the mosquers.
I loved that Greg Gutfield's routine on building a gay bar next to the mosque. He said he'd even include a non-alcohol section for Islamics who'd like to stop in.
i have to disagree - they should build it wherever they want
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