An Offense to Almost* Every Texan
The recipe is simple: take the baggy skin from an elderly python, make the toes too long and the stovepipe too short, the heel too horsey and embellish with silly metallic threads and bumpy leather applique, then charge idiots $457.99 for them.
By Jo Ghost, these hideous boots look like they'd be at home at a Renaissance Faire in Waco. If her fat calves could fit in them, Crazy Eyes Bush* would pair these with one of her lumpy pastel pantsuits from JC Penney and wear them to Jenna's wedding.
take the baggy skin from an elderly python,
i didnt know they made boots from a shedding Barbara Bush aka Babs the Impaler?
If her fat calves could fit in them, Crazy Eyes Bush* would pair these with one of her lumpy pastel pantsuits from JC Penney and wear them to Jenna's wedding.
and if you add presidential seals George will don a pair and they could go as twins.
Those are some ugly ass boots, to quote O.J. Simpson. But to be fair, Laura has quite slender calves so those boots would scrape her fair skin and cause rashes and such.
You two crack me up!
This wedding gives us all a new reason for living. Be still, my poor ol' heart.
Perfect faux Texas boots for the faux Texas Bush family.
Holy crap, I do believe those boots are grounds for justifiable homicide in Texas aren't they?
Those boots are grounds for justifiable anything in Texas, including getting drunk and pissing all over everybody like that Pastor just did. Oh, what is that idiot's name. Never mind, that is not the point, the point is, if I see someone with those boots there is no accounting for what will follow.
Karen, are you trying to become the next Andre Leon Talley?
Jane, I think I have said all there is to say about Bush43 and his band of criminals and thieves. Fashion may be all I have left.
Call Andrea Leona Tallywhacker.
They look like fake cheap boots ; i'll keep my Sendra's :)
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