The Fuse Has Been Lit...
This morning I told the CEO that I wasn't going to work for the DWiP anymore.
Then I offered him three options:
1. Reassign me to another supervisor.
2. I resign with 30 days notice if and only if I no longer have to deal with the DWiP at all, i.e. I will no longer speak to her or read her e-mail.
3. I resign today if he doesn't select either option #1 or 2.
Stay tuned for the next episode of "Devil, Be Gone!"
I can't wait to hear what happens next! This is better than Survivor! ;)
Yeah, well, the CEO who I'll call Mr. Shmutz, told me he'd get back to me today with a decision after polling some of the other directors and taking to the DWiP.
I left for a doctor's appointment at 3 and he'd barely come in from lunch by then.
So, tomorrow is another day of mystery. If Shmutz can't come to a decision by then, I'll make the decision for him.
Meanwhile, the DWiP came in at 1 and I gleefully ignored her.
My career at this place might be over, but I feel rejuvenated knowing that I will never have to answer to that bitch again.
wow --- the story grows
By tomorrow everyone in the cast of characters who has claimed to be your friend will have revealed themselves.
Can't wait to find out what's next.
Yep. I can't wait for this shit to resolve itself- one way or the other.
It's exhausting to have Mr. Shmutz in charge of my fate- even if it is for only one more day.
I need a massage before my muscles completely seize up on me!
Schmutzy? Hahahahaha!
I'll have the rest of the story when I get home this evening.
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