Friends, be sure to try and catch "Recount" on HBO tonight at 8 central.
If you don't have HBO, maybe a friend can tape or burn a DVD of it for you.
We need to stay argry as Hell at the GOP for their crimes that really started escalating when Bush came on the national scene.
Stealing elections has become a major chapter in their playbook.
We cannot stand for it to happen again.
And Laura Dern's portrayal of that make-up slathered trollop Katherine Harris alone is worth watching the movie.
Having just watched this movie, I have renewed my vow to loathe George W. Bush and his conniving, dishonest, sniveling associates until my dying day.
Damn, it was good..and the point that drove home the whole movie for me wasn't the counting of the votes so much as the 20,000 disenfranchised voters that were tossed off the voting roles because their names were close, not matching mine you, to those of felons.
Thats 'mind you'...geez.
I agree, the 20,000 mostly Black voters who were mistakenly put on Katherine Harris's felon list and therefore not allowed to vote remains the biggest scandal of the 2000 election.
What amazes me it that instead of being charged with voter fraud or election tampering or whatever they call it in Florida, they made her a Congress Rep.
Sure, she failed to be re-elected by the force of her own saccharine personality, but I still think she belongs in jail.
Actor Laura Dern deserves an Emmy for the way she nailed the role.
I agree, the 20,000 mostly Black voters who were mistakenly put on Katherine Harris's felon list and therefore not allowed to vote remains the biggest scandal of the 2000 election.
What amazes me it that instead of being charged with voter fraud or election tampering or whatever they call it in Florida, they made her a Congress Rep.
Sure, she failed to be re-elected by the force of her own saccharine personality, but I still think she belongs in jail.
Actor Laura Dern deserves an Emmy for the way she nailed the role.
In charge of a state....I didn't finish my feeble thought. ;p
I recorded it and will watch it later, can't wait.
I watched it last night and was again horrified that not only did Bush Co steal the election, but the Supreme Court for a long, long time. He has filled the federal bureaucracy with Bushies and baby neocons and we may never root them out. It was a masterful plan to ruin a nation for, who knows, maybe forever. And we must all remember they've got that election stealing thing down pretty good. And Rove is still out roving about, even giving tips to Hillary.
Thanks to Franiam, I'm blog rolling you.
Thank you, Utah, it's nice to see you here.
I really, seriously, definitely, absolutely do not believe Hillary is in any way associated with Karl Rove.
To me, that would be like saying Sen. Obama is taking his marching orders from Louis Farrakhan.
There simply is no evidence to support either allegation.
It's like this--I live in Texas but that does not make me a Bush supporter any more than you being called Utah Savage makes you a polygamist with a mess of sister wives.
But it might. I have a friend who is the youngest child of a polygamist family. Boy did it fuck her up forever.
Oh sorry we were talking about the Hillary Rove connection. I saw her giving a stump speech in which she quoted Rove saying the math supported calling her the front runner, having more of the "popular" vote. Oh the goal posts they are a changing. Hope you don't hate me for coming back to press my point. But I am just a poor white feminist over 60 undereducated hardworking poor white woman who supports Barack. When are they going to get around to polling me?
I spoke to a politician friend of mine last night who just returned from Indiana where she was helping Hillary get out the Hispanic vote.
She also mentioned Hillary being ahead in the popular vote.
Should I discredit her because she said the same thing Karl Rove said?
Karl Rove can say anything he wants and if it just happens to be a blue moon and the planets are aligned just so, sometimes he's not lying.
That doesn't mean I don't want to run his head over with my car, but even a broken clock is accurate twice a day.
And Hillary DOES lead in the popular vote. Alas, it's the electoral college we have to worry about.
Hillary only has the lead if you count MI and FL right?
OT-Did you watch the Det/Celts game last night? I knew from the first 120 seconds Detroit was gonna win it.
Laura Dern is HOT.
Well, yeah, but not as Katherine Harris ;p
Dusty, I think the American political machine should stop excluding Florida votes and start counting them.
First in 2,000 and now in the Democratic primary.
Well, they probably should count them...but the Democratic Poobahs in FL and MI both knew the frickin consequences of moving their damn primaries and they did it anyway.
That is a fact that isn't in dispute..and Hillary was the only one on the ballots right? Every other candidate played by the rules..but her.
Who forced them to jump off the ballot?
Regardless of who pissed on who's shoes or who was or was not naughty, the voters do not deserve nullification.
Maybe they should allow a re-vote, paid for by the DNC. Then Hillary could win all over again.
Ok...they don't want to DO a revote..the states don't want to PAY for it.
Its party politics KZ, and yes the voters were held hostage for crying out loud. But the DNC warned the state assholes not to do it and they did anyway.
I ain't saying the DNC is right but damn it..the state Dem's that run everything need to stfu and pay for a revote..its not the DNC's fault millions of voters were disenfranchised.
Hey Zip, I just noticed that the movie title logo is kinda odd--did no one notice that if you pull the "O" hanging chad off, you get RECUNT? Is that a coincidence?
i dont know if i can watch this movie and not have all my blood boil
Yes, I guess with Katherine Harris running things, the title fits.
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