Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ugly Shoes

If all works out as I hope, I plan to start a regular UGLY SHOE feature on my Blog.
These are my first entry, by Cesare Paciotti, these couture beauties sell for only $521.95. Enjoy...


Lulu Maude said...

Oooh... and I have de-volved into Tevas in the summer and running shoes and occasionally snow boots in the winter.

Such are the benefits of the golden years.

Anonymous said...

I never was one for uncomfortable shoes. But these babies are not only uncomfortable looking but those dust rags on top are a menace.

Anonymous said...

We aren't allowed to wear "athletic shoes" to work, which is really sad for me. So I've gotten into "urban sneakers" (ie Berne Mev's) which are athletic shoes disguised as office shoes.

Karen Zipdrive said...

...Urban sneakers? Gotta be my Big Sis. Love ya, ya little stoop.

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

Those bows flopping around all over the place are not only a menace, but a menace to society as a whole and to all the poor people everywhere, and to all the sad people and to all the rich people and all the slaves and everything. Those shoes are a humanitarian crisis. I am going to sue the Cesare for causing this mess.