Nonnie 9999 was kind enough to remind me of this horrid tidbit in my comments section of the French Bulldog clip.
So...this is a photo taken today of Sarah Palin appearing by satellite on Oprah's show.
Yep, only 14 months after Sarah Palin was knocked into the dusty pit of VP also-rans, gone are the high priced GOP stylists who spent more than 2 or 3 hundred grand on clothing and coiffing this Wasillabilly.
Goodbye, Jose Eber, hello WalMart beauty parlor!
Now that she's spending her own money, looks like Moosilla is shopping the Family Circle classifieds for low-priced hair attachments.

Just clip it and forget it!
And while we're on the topic of Palin being on Oprah today, Sarah and Bristol (who has sworn to be celibate until she's married, but that's a whole 'nother post) were standing in the kitchen of the Palin home and Oprah asked what was for dinner that night.
Sarah Palin looked like a deer in the headlights as she looked over at Bristol and mumble-asked if she knew. Bristol shrugged and looked blank, so Sarah composed herself and went to her go-to answer: "I think a nice, big crock pot full of moose stew on a cold night like tonight sounds really, really good, because it's so delicious, ya know, Oprah, and also it's very nutritious besides being delicious, and also too I think if we could feed moose stew to our beloved troops, brave young men and women that are fighting for our freedom, which is so very very important to our freedom!"
Hmmm... I thought that when asked what was for dinner she replied, "Um, well, ya know, um... all of them!"
lol @ fran's comment!
how much you wanna bet that stove in her kitchen has never been turned, other than when levi and bristol ran out of matches and had to use a burner to light up a joint?
you don't need to spend $11.95 (plus shipping!) to have your hair look like shit. they sell those things in walgreens.
If I thought she had 95 IQ points to rub together, I'd say she was pandering to the daytime audience that uses the same hair piece from Walgreens (I've seen 'em there, too).
I think she's evil enough to do that, but not smart enough.
You can get those at Walgreen's?
Oh man, my Halloween 2010 problems are ovah!
Hey, good to see you here WriteChic! I think Palin is definitely calculating enough to
pull that kind of subliminal trick, knowing who watches Oprah at that time of day.
Take for instance the whole segment being shot in the Palin kitchen. I mean, it's not like they were cooking or anything.
That cornpone hair-do and that kitchen backdrop--gee, you think she's trying to pull away from being seen as the "powerful career woman who's finally puttin' that jernollism degree to work"?
fo' sho'! here ya go. $5.99, and you can look just like princess.
I saw a quick snippet of the trainwreck Oprah interview.
It is there Bristol swears she will not have sex till she is married (yea having a screaming baby in shitty diapers to care for while your friends are out partying will make you agree to swear off sex)....
Oprah says that's a heavy duty promise to make.... are you sure?
Palin looks at her daughter & says
"Are you gonna get married at a young age???"
Way to support the new ambassador of abstinence, Sarah.... push early marriage in order to have sex sooner.....
like as if that ship has not already sailed!
Even though they got a hefty sum for posing on the In Touch magazine with the "We chose life" cover....
they are actually choosing to go after Levi for the $$ he made.
the title should have been *We chose money*...
Sarah & her book deal, the mag cover, the Fox gig... now they want Levi's $$$ for child support.
I figured Sarah was going to lawyer up & go after Levi-- like a pit bull.
Ok Nonnie~ have at it
We're glad we chose money
Gawd... are you SURE you didn't write this for Sarah?
You have a knack, Zippie--perhaps Sarah is to be yours as Condoleeeezzza was SP's.
Thanks Lulu, that's high praise coming from you.
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