I love being a liberal Texan on election day.
See, I can look at the biggest, stupidest redneck Republican and say to his face, "I cancelled out your vote, Bubba."
I love knowing that all political ads on TV will cease tomorrow.
I love anticipating the national election results on MSNBC, with plenty of left-wing commentary to go with it.
I may not love any teabaggers who may get elected, but I will love watching them screw up whatever state was stupid enough to elect them.
I mean, you know teabaggers are idiots when a red state like Texas hasn't got one prominent teabagger on the ballot.
That means there was no reason for Sarah Palin to visit Texas during this election cycle, which was an added bonus.
Yep, voting in Texas feels damn good.
Did you vote today?
Of course I voted woman! Haven't missed an election in my adult life.
Of course I vote for my cats for all local offices as all those fucknuts on the ballot are rightwing nutters. This is afterall, the reddest county in Calli. I do enjoy that part of the process!
I've been putting it off because politics makes me sick anymore. But I'll go across the street and cast my vote right now for all D's and against all the scams to dig more taxes out of us. The only thing that's making go is that I'm grateful not to be living in Dearborn, Michigan.
I wish I could - I'd consider myself better informed than many of those who'll sleepwalk into the polling station, vote for a loon and against their own interests. Happily, the news coverage is in the middle of the night so I won't have to watch the carnage.
Of of the coolest things I saw at the polls today was a lot of young Hispanic men and women voting. A few looked like they'd be more comfortable drinking a 40 while working on their motorcycles.
Definitely not Republican looking.
Fuck KZ, that's great! There is hope that they under-polled folks of color and those with only cell phones!!!!
not only did i vote, but when i went to get some blood work done, i convinced 3 of the people who work there and weren't going to vote to get their asses to the polls and vote democrat. alas, i fear it might have been for naught. the shithead rubio won, and i'm afraid to see what's going on with the governor's race.
here in France, we are laughing at the idea of a candidate whose only claim to credibility is that she is not a witch!!!!!
Bless our little blue state, of course we voted. Alas, no governorship, but we aren't sending any dummies to DC.
I decided not to vote but at the very last minute (20 mins before the polls closed) my partner talked me into walking in the rain to vote at the school across the street. I went because I didn't want to be that mythical "one last vote" that would have won the race for someone. Sure enough, our State Representative was the only Dem that survived in the Austin, Travis County area and she won by only 15 votes! Yikes!
I do like your new template KZ..hope you do too. As for voting, I did...watched the results with a buzz.
I take that back... we did win the governorship in VT.
Whew! and WHOO!
Well Lulu, we did get Jerry Brown back..dont know yet if that is a good thing, but I believe it is as I did like Gov Moonbeam alot. ;)
Jerry Brown was one of my favorite politicians ever and I'm sure he'll do a better job w Califonia than the rest of these bastards have since Brown was in in the 70's.
love the new design!
i saw your gov on the today show -- i turned the channel
he really oozes "i am a big queen"
Another Texan friend called the other night and bemoaned the fact that Texas is still under The Hair's control. We just a fucking "former" Wall St. lobbyist for a governor, so we're in the same boat.
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