The Washington Post reports that "only a few hundred members [of the Council for Foreign Relations] showed up for the hastily organized event at a Washington hotel and empty chairs were removed from the back of the ballroom before Bush arrived.
It wasn’t for lack of effort. ThinkProgress has published a desperate plea the Council sent out late Tuesday, asking people who were planning on coming to bring a friend.
Bush broke Council traditional by refusing to accept questions after his speech. Apparently, most people aren’t that excited about being used as a presidential prop. This may explain why Bush has preferred giving his speeches in front of military audiences, who are required to attend.
I keep imagining if I were still in the USMC and were forced to attend one of these bogus "speeches". How hard would it be not to show on my face exactly how I felt? I'd want to turn my back, but you're taught to respect the rank, not the person who holds it. So out of respect for the office of the president, I'd keep my mouth shut and sit tight. No friggin' clapping, though.
You could pretend clap- where you make the motions but no sound comes out. Imagine a room full of that!
Even Iran Contra/triple billion dollar deficit president Reagan had some redeeming features, but this dumbass hasn't done one solitary thing for which he can be proud.
He's a disgrace to his family and to Connecticut and the New England private school systems that educated him.
I want a change next time around!
I'm voting for JEB!
I'm sure HE'LL be different...
I'm going to go play with my Red Ball Counter now.
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