It seems doddering consumer advocate Ralph Nader has thrown his moth-eaten hat in the ring again. He announced he's running as an independent candidate for president.
Remember the Chevrolet Corvair from the 60's?
Nader made his bones back then, when he exposed the car as a deathtrap.
That was his greatest hit, and he's been cashing in on it for more than 40 years now.
Whatever happened to people retiring after age 65?
Why do these septegenarians like Nader and McCain think they have to die in the saddle?
Nader thinks he can waltz in late, win the election, then convince the legislative suits in Washington DC to fall in line behind him like he's some kind of loony Pied Piper.
He's done this before, and some say he siphoned off hundreds of votes from Al Gore.
This time, who's going to vote for him? Obama fans love their Messiah, Hillary fans want their bitch and McCain fans love their old warhorse.
Nader's latest decision has convinced me he's finally jumped the shark.
There's a place for outmoded celebrities who insist on hanging on regardless of how much it shatters their dignity. It's called the Home Shopping Network.
Don't get me wrong, I used to really like Ralph Nader. But his interference in the last election may have cost us the chance to get America's greenest president, Al Gore.
I'll never forget that.
Sorry, I meant to write " the 2000 election" not "the last election."
I lost any respect I ever had for Ralph Nader after the 2000 election and since he decided to run again in the 2004 election I have absolutely detested him and the so-called "Green Party". Both are good for nothing other than undermining Democrats and electing Republicans. In fact, I think GREEN actually stands for Get Republicans Elected Every November.
By helping to elect Bush in 2000, Nader undercut every principle he ever used to stand for. Today, I believe he has truly abandoned those principles and is only interested in helping Republicans. Why? Who knows? Maybe because he's rich now and likes his taxbreaks.
Nader is so long ago that you even erred on the car he made his reputation on--it was the Ford Pinto.
But that just shows how far back in time Nader was and is. He doesn't seem to understand that few remember those times.
His mistake, aside from painting everybody who isn't Nader with a broad brush, is showing up out of nowhere every four years to offer himself up out of any context whatsoever.
But that's the alpha male for you, and however rumpled, Nader is still an alpha male.
Actually, Lulu, Ralph Nader published "Unsafe at Any Speed" in 1965, well before the Pinto was launched.
I recall it was about the Corvair because my family had owned three of them.
My first new car, however, was a Pinto. And what a piece of shit it was.
You're right... the Corvair was in the book. (I had a Monza in high school and bypassed its flaws 'cause it had a stick shift)... but he did take on the Pinto later and publicized that exciting, explosive gas tank which needn't have been if Ford had bothered to install a plastic screen that would have cost an additional $11... he pointed out that Ford was willing to sacrifice the safety of its customers for a lousy 11 bucks.
I always thought the Pinto was butt-ugly.
nader is an ass
if he was SO concerned about the country why hasnt he done ANYTHING inbetween his ego driven races....
Hey, I drove one of those blow-up model-year Pintos!
Re: "Nader thinks he can waltz in late, win the election..."--I gotta wonder if even HE is that stupid to think that he can win at this stage. But the thing is, if he was just doing this to bring attention to the need for a third party or whatever bullshit line he's trotting out this time (that's what he said in 2000), then that's a lame-ass excuse too, because at this late date, he will only bring scorn and ridicule on anything he touches. What an assface.
Now there's the Zippy we've all come to know and love. :)
Truthfully, the only ones financing or donating to Nader's campaign will be Republicans. They know it will hurt Dems in the end and that's all they care about.
True, and Nader seems to have no problem taking dollars from the devils.
I do like the guy he just picked for his Veep..a nice green party guy that almost won the mayorship in San Fran.
He did a great piece in the SF Chron about Obamamania..that will piss off the folks all into Obama..ask me if I care. ;p
He's got no chance, not to mention a gimp eye.
KZ..I hate Nader..that bag of batshit can take a long walk off a short pier.
His Veep is a new guy on the national scene and frankly, I am tired of the 24/7 news cycle of everything Obama, Hillary and McCain.
I know SF is a breeding ground for greenies..but the guy came 'that' close to winning under their banner.
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