Just to prove John McCain is out of his mind, he said recently that he thinks America should start planning a trip to Mars. He said it would capture America's imagination like the Moon landing did back in 1969.
With the economy in ruins, children going without a proper education, health insurance and sometimes even food, plus a ridiculous war that's costing us more than World War II did--now this imbecile wants to fund a trip to Mars?
Gee, who would profit by taxpayers putting billions into funding a trip to Mars? Yep, it's the aerospace industry-- you know, the same military industrial complex guys who've already made a mint off this fucking war.
I think it's nice of McCain to give us a hint about where he wants to start squandering more of our money. The aerospace lobby must be loading his coffers with payola out the yin-yang.
I'm not against space exploration. I just think of it as a huge luxury that we cannot afford in the slightest at this point in time.
That simpering cretin Bush brought up the Mars idea about six years ago and I ranted about it then, too.
I chalked it up to him being stupid and impractical.
But I guess I expected more from McCain. I guess I mistakenly thought he was more savvy than Bush.
I guessed wrong.
Exploring Mars: just one more reason to vote for Obama.
First off, NOTHING will ever "capture America's imagination" like the moon landings did; this is a different America, with too much other shit going on. Second, if McFossilTeeth wants some kind of national initiative to inspire innovation and new technology, why doesn't he call on industries to create alternative energy sources?
Oh wait--that wouldn't give the rich guys even MORE money....
McFossil teeth! HAHAHAHA!
It's a good thing he doesn't smile a lot- those old brown choppers just remind us all how old he is.
mcfossilteeth - LOVE IT
all available money should go to finding alternative energy and health care.....
not mars
and i am the first to want space exploration
it would be like me buying a Rolls right now.....
Grapsing - grasping he is!
Exploring Mars is a good Obama campaign slogan, you should send it in!
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