I'm glad this is not an audio blog because I am hoarse from laughing.
It seems my successor, Millicent Mooman, has been relieved of her duties as editor, so now they've promoted from within.
See, Mr. Schmutz loves to promote low paid employees to management slots so he can save $20,000 or so a year in salary. Ability and experience don't matter; with him it's all about the bottom line.
Enter Shaniqua, the employee who keeps track of committee meetings.
She is hot tempered, pouty and stubborn, even with her good supervisor.
Never mind that she has zero experience in journalism and notoriously bad taste in design(you should see her office decor)the idea of her taking marching orders from the DWiP is hysterical.
They will clash like titans! I give it six months, tops.
This is gonna be great!
I have new found respect for Mr. Schmutz. He obviously put these two losers together for the entertainment value he'll get on the way out the door.
Schmutz is pretty perverse, being a Mormon and all, but in this case I think he *may* be doing this for amusement, but more likely is his total lack of experience in human resources.
He was a mergers and acquisitions guy in his former career. He has proven he has no skills in managing personnel, hence the enormous turnover in employees.
Two or three exiting employees a month in a company of 30 employees is very, very telling.
I'll bet he gets a % of any $ he saves the org. So if a position goes empty for a month or two, that's $ in his pocket. He probably gave Shaniqua a lousy $200 a month raise.
Oh this is rich!
Wow, how the once mighty have fallen the fuck down! I'm glad you got out of there--that place is a madhouse!
I must revise my previous estimate on how long it'll take before the DWiP and Shaniqua collide-- I give it three months, and that's only because Shaniqua needs the money.
Love these updates. Day-um
i love your soap opera......
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