We're Fucked.
I thought it might be time to make some kind of political post, but then I realize I may as well post about dirt, or cat puke, or even air.
Fact is, both houses of Congress are filled with clowns who consider what they need to say and do to be re-elected more than what's good for the people who elected them.
We're getting the government we deserve.
Politicians have become so partisan and crazy, if a member of one party decides to side with something the other side wants, he or she is often met with hate mail and threats of violence, not only from constituents, but even from colleagues.
Democrats and Republicans have become nothing more than sports teams with insane fans--all that matters is beating the other team senseless and winning.
I hate the Republicans because they have ruined America economically, they are war mongers and they use God and patriotism as props to lull the vast number of ignoramus voters into thinking they are serving their stupid asses.
I hate the Democrats because they are weak and have allowed the bullies on the right to push them into hapless inefficiency.
I was right about Obama back when he was running for office.
He's perceived as being too polarizing, and his bi-racial heritage has unmasked more racism and rage than I ever thought existed.
Did you know state gun sales and ammunition stockpiling has grown to epidemic proportions? Not because Obama has mentioned stricter gun control laws, but "just in case."
We have maniacs running their planes into government buildings because we live in a climate of extremism that's worse than anything the Taliban could create. After that crazy fuck ran a plane into the Austin IRS building, people started a Facebook page in his honor. They called him a patriot. Nobody bothered to discover his beef with the IRS was because they wouldn't let him declare his house a tax exempt church.
They choose to laud a crazy fuck because they are crazy fucks.
It's an upside-down America we're living in.
Patriotism used to mean love for country. Now it means nuts who hate any form of government.
Politics used to consist (mostly) of public servants who wanted to make a difference and serve their fellow citizens. Now those types represent only a fraction of elected officials.
Nothing has been accomplished in Washington D.C. in the last year.
It's been one huge stalemate that voters don't seem to mind.
Back when people were running for President, we Democrats failed to understand that we needed to elect a mean, scrappy son of a bitch like Lyndon Johnson was.
Hillary Clinton was probably the best choice, because she's still angry at the feckless, shameless Republicans for what they did to Bill Clinton and her when he was president, and I doubt she'd take any shit off that band of bullshitters and crooks.
We stupid Democrats liked the hopey changie guy who inspired Will.i.am to write hopey changie songs about him. We also liked that slimeball John Edwards because he talked a good game and hid the fact that he was fucking that dingbat Reille Hunter.
We liked the wrong guys for the wrong reasons.
We pussified ourselves by thinking we could elect a smart, patient, reasonable man and actually get the other side to respond like reasonable adults.
We were wrong.
And now it looks like Obama will be a one trick pony, and we'll end up with another evil Republican piece of shit come next time.
I'm disgusted with politics.
I'd rather spend time looking at photos of puppies and kittens.