LOL LOL!! I guess I showed that pretty boy Scott Brown a thing or two when I brought down the house at the teabagger convention!!!
In the words of Sallie Fields, they like me they truely like me!!
I wish everybody could of been there in person when I asked Obama's fans how that hopey changie thing was workin' for them. It was genius if I do say so my own self!
And so what if I jotted down a few notes on my hand? Stuff is hard to remember when your up there under all the glare of the camera lenses and I had to fudge just a little and jot down a few reminders, like taxes (too high) and lifting the Americans spirits, which goshdarn it, needs to be done on a daily if not weekly basis, and I am the one to do just that, as Jesus Christ Our Savior is my witness.
I noticed that the buzz my speach caused totally exclipsed anything Johnny Hollywood (Scott Brown) said that weekend. Did he even say anything? Who knows, and even more importantly, who cares???! Hes a flavor of the month and his flavor is pornography and dirty pictures of his hand barely hiding his weiner. GROSS~!
Anyways, some pundit asked me if I thought I'd go for it in 2012 and I figured what the heck, go ahead and say yes! yes! yes!!! If God is willing and Todd and the kids say yes then why the heck not? I mean, I make all the money in the house anyways so Todd and the kids will do whatever I say (or else LOL), but I gotta remember that my image as a regular old hockey mom and supportive wife is golden so I gotta go ahead and reflect those Christian values on all my speaches.
Besides, its no time for the present to start filling those campaign coffers early so I can have plenty of campaign war money to spend against Obama, even tho hes really really not doing that good nowadays with his hopey changie routine. (HAHAHAHA that was such a classic line I am patting myself on my own back right now).
Anyhoo, I think its safe to say my speach this weekend put Scott "Prettyboy" Brown in his place once & for all--he's just a flavor of the month and he tastes bitter I bet.
Opps gotta go, Bristol is calling me for dinner and I gotta eat fast because I don't wanna miss any of "The Batchelor" tonight. That Vienna chick is such a looser, I cant believe Jake is falling for her stupid phony balony act. Jake is really adorable, also, he deserves a really cute bride.
"PALIN IN 2012!!!" (thats my new slogan, like it?) LOL!
her speeches should be limited to 140 characters, just like her tweets. then she can write her entire speech on her palm instead of using index cards or a teleprompter. she never has anything important to say anyway.
The Queen of the tea party has spoken!!!
I wish her all the success, in dividing up the GOP party so they fail big time.
Go Sarah! Sa-rah Sa-rah!
it just occurred to me--if princess sarah used sign language, would she have to write her crib notes on her face?
Ya know.... I used to be very into that 'hopey changie thing '.... but then the kids grew up and became potty trained.
You know, the notes on the hand don't bother me at all... except that they're really inane reminders.
Utterly substance-less...
But it's so nice that she's Found Her Voice.
Nailed it again, Zip.
If she pats heself on the back and smears those notes all over her snazzy get up is nieman marcus gonna take it back...
have you heard Bill Maher saying she had prepared her job on Faux News by talking to her Down syndrome son ?
Horrible but so funny !
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