Tuesday, March 26, 2002

And the Prizes Go To:

The results of my Begging for Reblogs Contest are in, and in a three-way tie are Catherine, Kelly and Zed.
Zed gets prizes from me every day, so I am disqualifying her. Sorry, baby.
That leaves Catherine (blog: Rollercoaster Life) and Kelly (blog: Welcome to My Life) sharing the Grand Prize, a whole blog of haiku dedicated to them. So here goes...

I like Catherine
She's as nutty as I am
That's saying something

Kelly, sweet cupcake
So earnest, eager to learn
But hates to study

Catherine's blogs are
Sometimes very funny or
Sometimes wayyy out there

Kelly plus Kelly
It's easy to shop for them
Towels with K's on them

Like cats or Baptists
Catherine likes to fool around
You just can't catch her

Kel loves girl music
Too bad she's so young and missed
Janis Joplin's act

Catherine is sweet
Cute like a stuffed animal
A bipolar bear!

Kelly loves Oscars
They make her Blockbuster gig
Suck that much harder

Both give good reblog
But you have to give them some too
Lest they bail on you!

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