Tuesday, February 28, 2006

New Feature:
Give me a topic, I'll write about it.


Lulu Maude said...

This is sort of like humming three notes and having Paul Anka make a song out of it, huh?

Okay... Bush and the British bike.

Mike said...

wow - i like this...

how about you take the gloves off and tell us what you really think about the bush administration...lol j/k

how about this: if they were casting a movie about your life, who would you want to play you. you can pick several: i.e. someone to play you at 18, 30, etc...

Karen Zipdrive said...

Lulu, I'm afraid I don't know about Bush and the British bike.
Mike, I don't look like her, but Cathy Bates reminds me of myself whenever I see her in contemporary roles, so I pick her.

Unknown said...

Give us a few pearls of wisdom regarding the Halliburton overrun bullshit and how the Army is going to pay those bastards anyway.

I still have a headache from reading that nonsense yesterday.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Cheney has become joke fodder for late night TV comics.
Once Libby's trial begins, Dick will be such a joke that Libby's lawyers can slice and dice him like drunk pathologists.

Anonymous said...

If you were a tree, what sort of tree would you be?

Karen Zipdrive said...

I'd be a pine tree.