Monday, June 28, 2004

Dick Cheney: "Go Fuck Yourself"

While it's been years since I actually said "go fuck yourself" to anyone's face, I admit that profanity, including the word "fuck," has a comfortable place in my vocabulary.
But I don't use profanity when I am at work.
When the Bush administration promised to restore integrity to the White House, and used millions of dollars donated by Christian Fundamentalist cults to get elected, they held themselves up as "Christians doing God's work."
Appointed President George W. Bush had made his vow to "change the tone in Washington" a central part of his 2000 campaign, calling bipartisan cooperation "the challenge of our moment."
He said, "Our nation must rise above a house divided," in his victory speech in December 2000. "I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress. And we will seize this moment and deliver."
Now that Cheney has whipped off his gossamer veil of Christianity and told Senator Patrick Leahy to go fuck himself during a Senate group photo session, one might think the Christian Fundies would have their undies in a bunch.
Seems the religious right can understand the pressure Cheney has been under.
His company Halliburton (and it is *his* company since they still pay him a huge annual salary) has been a thorn in his side since the Iraqi invasion. Seems a good company like Halliburton can't get $10 billion or so in no-bid, secret contracts without pests like Leahy wanting Dick to be more accountable.
When the Senate still uses archaic phrases like, "the chair recognizes the gentleman from Kentucky" and "the honorable Senator from New York's time is up," is that really a place where the presiding officer of the chamber should be telling his colleagues to go fuck themselves?
Cheney said to Fox News of the incident, "I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue."

I think if you plan to boast about being a good Christian, and make that an elemental part of your candidacy, you might want to skip telling ranking members of the Senate to go fuck themselves.

I am neither a Senator nor a self-professed "good Christian," but even if I had the chance to tell Cheney to go fuck himself to his face, I wouldn't.
It's just not polite.

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