Bush and Dick have been worse than having a family of violent alcoholic Okie thieves move in with you for 8 years.
Now Bush's idiot slob of a brother Jeb is demanding the GOP do a "shadow government" behind Obama's administration.
Fuck all the Bushes, especially that old sow who birthed them.
And fuck Dick Cheney, that evil slimeball.
I don't even like Bush's nasty dog Barney.
Get all of them outta our lives NOW!
Don't hold back... tell us what you really think of the current administration. Just found your site via DCNY. Very cool. I'll be back again. And if you don't mind, I'll add you to my blogroll. I know a few who would like it here.
i have a feeling even Barney doesnt like being with George and Laura
Splendid graphic.
Barney has turned violent because of them, I imagine a few people have, too.
WTF is with Jeb and his "shadow gov't" My GAWD the man is now 100% responsible for a conspiracy theorist meltdown. Alex Jones must be going bananas.
The bushes don't even bother to think before they blurt out their idiocy. Sheesh.
Obama's the type that would welcome them to come out of the shadows and tell him their complaints to his face and give him the chance to address them. But they don't want that. The idea of working in the "shadows" turns those snakes on.
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