Sherry Johnston, the mother of Bristol Palin's Baby Daddy Levi, has been dragged to the Wasilla pokey to face multiple drug charges. Not sure what kind of drugs, reports just said "controlled substance" but apparently the charges include possession and delivery, aka dealing.
A strapping young man living in a drug laden Wasilla hidey-hole with his druggy Mama, leaving home only to impregnate the Governor's under-age daughter and attend the RNC convention.
You mean some hockey moms aren't really suited to be governor of Alaska?
Wow, that's a shocker.
Son's a drunk and mom's a meth dealer. Thank Jeebus Bristol's little bundle of joy will have so much good DNA from her side of the family.
I kid. I kid because I don't love.
How naive of me. I just thought she was probably growing and dealing weed. Meth never occurred to me. Now THAT would be a serious crime, even if it is Wasilla's chief export.
isnt Wasilla meth capital of Alaska...
you betcha
i guess little Bristol or little Levi will be visiting gramma in the pokey
I sorta love the idea of the Palin/Johnston wedding.
The bride carries the new baby up the aisle, the mother of the bride cradles the bride's first baby,Trig, Todd Palin holds the shotgun against the groom's neck and the local sheriff escorts the shackled groom's mother to her seat.
Meanwhile, little Piper stands at the back of the church ready to pass freshly rolled joints to all the guests as they exit the ceremony.
Come by for some Holiday Cheer from your Secret Santa!!!
Ho Ho Ho.
Mommy apparently knows exactly what to give a girl for Christmas! Go see the fantistic stuff she picked out for me.
Now that's the real America that Palin was talkin' about!
OK you all (especially Karen) just made me nearly throw up laughing!! The Wasilla Hillbillies are the gift that keeps on givin' *wink*!
This has "mama has a meth lab" written all over it.
Love the wedding scenario.... KZD you absolutely kill me.
I have been to some pretty trailer trash weddings, including two seedy gay guys in the 80's who wed in a very low rent gay bar, only to have their ceremony interrupted by the pinball machine inviting players to join, but the idea of congregants assembling at the burnt shell of the Wasilla Bible Church to witness this madcap crew of snow dogs combine families is mirthful beyond compare.
i think i read that bristol's baby is due this saturday. i wonder if grandma johnston will be at the christening. uh-oh, i just realized that they won't have a place for the christening, as the wasilla church had a fire! hmmmm, i wonder if grandma johnston's meth lab was located near the church. those things are fire hazards!
Maybe meemaw Johnston was freebasing down at the church. Things happen.
as soon as i heard there was a fire at the church, the first thing i thought was that kids were freebasing. then i thought it might be insurance fraud. i don't think it was anyone trying to get back at princess sarah. princess thinks so, because she thinks the whole fuckin' world revolves around her.
Meth, it's what's for dinner in Alaska.
Keith Olbermann and other MSNBC rascals certainly were winking it up about it being a meth lab the cops busted.
I am so naive, thinking they cops just yanked up a couple of Matanuska Tundra Fuck weed plants.
It's starting to smell a lot more--chemical--to me.
I can't blame Ms Johnston for turning to drugs-- after all she's facing having Sarah Palin as a part of the family for the rest of her life.
That's worse than prison, don't cha think??
All that winking & blinking & such would sure make me need an alternate reality.
Has it occurred to anyone that all that winkin' and blinkin' is also known in street parlance as "tweaking"?
Maybe Sarah likes to Hoover up an occasional line or two herself.
All that power shopping is exhausting!
Details emerging. It was oxycontin, a.k.a. Hillbilly Heroin.
I don't know how she is part of "manufacturing" it. I thought it was just a much abused prescription drug.
And here we thought it was a meth lab. Boy, are our faces red.
Awwww, why couldn't it have been a meth lab?! That completely tears down the perfect logical explanations that have been so brilliantly constructed up here. I mean it works to 'splain just about everything. The tweaking, the fire...
Oxycontin? Old cyst-ass's drug of choice?
maybe mrs johnston is part of the Limbaugh conspiracy
I'm sure Rush Limbaugh will explain to everyone that Oxycontin is not that big a deal, so we should all stop talking about this.
And think of it this way, if Bristol is in pain after delivering her second baby, MeeMaw probably made sure she was hooked up with some Oxies before she got busted.
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