Obama's daughters aren't the only ones who can be bought with a whiff of puppy breath.
Lovable old Joe Biden's wife Jill told him if he and Obama won, she'd get him a new puppy.
On the campaign plane, Jill would tape various puppy photos on the seat in front of him to inspire him to give exciting speeches at rallies.
Jill made good on her word and here's Joe with his new German Shepherd baby boy.
Cute, huh?
Simply bee u tee full!
Puppy breath..I recall that smell..ugh! ;p
i love puppy breath! one of these days, i am going to have to break down and get another one. isn't the difference remarkable? look at joe holding the puppy with true affection. chimpy's dogs were just like his so-called ranch. just more props for public consumption.
The puppy and Jill Biden are cute.
I agree, they both are cute but the pup still needs to get his puppy ears sorted out.
Awww! That is so cute!
Amazing to realize that this little bitty pup will grow to be a big ol' German shep.
I think his ears are floppy because his mama was licking them to get them clean. His face even looks a little bit wet.
How unbelievably cute is this little guy and his daddy, Joe, look in this picture. What's this puppy's name??
I would constantly be messing with his ears.
The puppy, not Joe. I love puppy ears.
Adorable! The ears are going to look wonky until he's about 8 months old I think. They take awhile to go from floppy to straight.
That's certainly cute I can believe in!!
Don't you just love his defiant puppy paws in the solo shot?
He thinks he's such a bad ass already! But when his new daddy is holding him, he's not so bold, is he?
Ha, haaaa! No, indeed!
I love how they are all bad-ass mofos in their heads and 2 seconds later, a snoring mush in your arms.
I fostered a whole litter of little shepherd mixes that were dumped at a shelter at only 4 weeks... by 7 weeks they all thought they were Dirty Harry, right up until the obligatory nap collapse.
Damn I love dogs. It'll be fun watching this guy grow up.
I love dogs too, they're fun and funny and they just love being part of a family and hanging out with their "pack." This little guy probably doesn't have to do much walking, someone's got him in their arms at all times.
Shepherd, properly raised, are wonderful animals. Here's wishing the best to the little guy and his new pack.
Lynn Cheney used to tape pictures of fresh babies on the seat in front of Big Dick to inspire him to... well, to eat more babies.
Sorry, that kinda fell apart.
Cute pup!
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