Turns out Joe the unlicensed Plumber thought McCain was a nasty old dick.
He told fellow wingnut Glenn Beck that he felt "dirty" after "being on the campaign trail and seeing some of the things that take place."
"I honestly felt even more dirty (sic) after I had been on the campaign trail and seen some things that take place. It was scary, man," unlicensed Plumber said. He told Beck he asked McCain "some pretty direct questions" about the bailout, and wasn't pleased with the response. "They appalled me, absolutely. You know, I was angry. In fact, I wanted to get off the bus after I talked to him."
Asked why he didn't leave McCain's campaign if he was "appalled" by the candidate, the unlicensed Plumber said, "Honestly, because the thought of Barack Obama as president scares me even more..."
Okay, so he's a racist and he can't stand McCain, the man who gave him his 10 minutes of fame.
So, who does he like?
Sarah Palin.
He said he thought she was "the real deal."
He said it was clear to him all she wants to do is serve. She has no ambition for fame or glory, she just wants to be a humble servant of the people.
Joe, you're an idiot. Please get back to illegally snaking out peoples' shitty drains, where you belong.
What a turd he is.
Joe is all about the purity. That's why he went with PearlGate Publishing, a vanity press with one book to its name. They promised they could get the book out by the beginning of December, but that date slipped.
Oh, imperfect world and the doomed idealists force to live in it.
Personally, I think Joe should talk with the Mr. Clean people, he's a dead ringer.
Did he ever get his license???
when joe says that princess sarah is the real deal, what he means is that she is the most like him. just like princess, capt underpants made him a household name, and he has no gratitude. he apparently made no effort to learn about what capt u stood for. same thing for princess. she had no idea what capt u's platform was. she just said what she was supposed to until she was famous enough to say whatever the fuck she wanted to say. just like princess, he only wants to know what's in it for him. it's just like his attitude on public assistance. redistributing wealth is a horrible thing, until joe the plumber needs the money. then he has no problem with it whatsoever. it's all about him, just like it is all about princess in princess's world. i don't think his book will ever get published. if it does, the number sold will match the number of people in his family.
Joe's system of political analysis:
The Peter Principle
Just another creepy due wanting to fuck Palin and thinking it'll get him somewhere by saying she has a wonderful mind. Big deal.
Joe the slummer bit into some turd when he rode the McPappy Express huh ? I guess Czarina Palin is, as has been noted, more like him -- an opportunist who's completely non-functional in their alleged craft. Remember Mrs. Dipshit's college degree was in journalism yet she couldn't name a single fucking paper or mag she reads regularly. Maybe she should just admit it was all those years of ogling the JC Penney catalogue that made her go apeshit on the party VISA when they turned her loose in Saks !!! These two are a perfect match, dumb and deceitful with ambitions in excess of their abilities. I hope she runs in '12, it's like shooting fish in a barrel from a small plane...
I love Dawn's comment..priceless!
Joe is a piece of batshit that should be relegated to the dustbin of hell...stat!
I don't know what was better - the post or the comments. Wait. Both.
His 15 min. are over and he's bitter. Maybe Palin will give him a shake in '12. He can be her running mate!
you guys SO crack me up
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