The photo you see is a page from the Blair House guest book, where Bush 41 and his battle ax wife Babs signed in with their extended family to stay before 41 was inaugurated.
It's protocol for the president-elect and his family to stay there before taking the keys to the White House.
Blair House has massive security, it's already paid for and has a fully trained, well-vetted staff in place.
So why are President elect Obama and his family being forced to stay in a hotel instead?
Why are we taxpayers footing the bill for hotel fees, security details and all the rest instead of allowing the Obamas to stay at Blair House?
Because the Bush's are a bunch of low class hicks, that's why.
When the Obamas asked to stay at Blair House after he was elected, the Bush team lied and said it already was booked.
Trouble is, it wasn't at the time the Obama's made their request.
Now the schmuck who'll be staying there instead is has-been and Bush buddy John Howard, the disgraced former PM of Australia.
Who? Indeed.
They can't put him in a hotel instead?
What kind of last ditch fuckery is this?
I just hate petty people.
In fact, most Texans are very gracious about making out of town guests feel safe and comfortable. Hospitality is real in Texas--it's expected of us.
Bush 41 made sure Bill and Hillary has use of Blair House before Clinton took office, but their recalcitrant bastard of a son? Huh uh.
Someone please throw another shoe at that fucking rube.
Or better still, make it a fake leather cowboy boot.
Karen, you sound suprised. As soon as it was announced we knew it was BS. Obama knew, everyone knew. Obama made a decision not to make it into a big deal. The bushmeister is a prick and everyone knows that. Obama is trying and quite successfully to be the bigger man. Of course, it aint that hard.
Nothing that Chimpy does surprises me anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if he asked a reporter to pull his finger during his last press conference. I'm sure he'd then fart and just crack his stupid self up.
God, I hate him.
This really is second rate boorishness on the part of the Bushes. Of course, with all the crap going on in India, Pakistan, Gaza and now with the Russians cutting off Europe from their gas supply, Obama has a bigger problems to worry about.
These weren't the worst eight years in our history, since they really don't come up to the awfulness fof the Civil War. But they were the worst eight years of my lifetime, and probably my dad's lifetime as well.
even if howard is staying there (and there is talk that he was invited later on to give chimpy cover), the place is huge, and there is no reason the obamas could not have stayed there. you know what, though? let this be added to the list of the petty shit that chimpy has pulled. it will be more fodder against jebbie or any of the other bush shitbags, should they decide to run for any other offices.
just jaw-droppingly offensive. Again. Less than two weeks left, kids. Less than two weeks.
One more lie, and a way to be nasty before he exits.
The Obamas are trying to get their kids settled in new schools.
Bush smiled & gave Obama the tour of the white house, but it was all bullshit. First chance he had to give him a hard time, he jumped on it.
The Obama's have style and grace. Just one more affirmation the bush clan are total assholes.
Blair house has 118 rooms & there is one guest occupying it?
My bullshit-o-meter is again in the red zone.
and the dipshits on tv keep talking about how gracious george and his murdering wife are....
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