Poppy Bush was on Fox News (of course)saying how he wanted his punkin' headed son Jeb to run for Senate, then eventually President.
First of all, when the smart kid in the family is named after a character in "Deliverance," that's a big red flag.
Second of all, does Poppy actually think the last Bush in office paved a way for any Bush to get back in?
I can see how the idiots on Florida might elect Punkin' Head to the Senate, because Floridians tend to be crazy.
But president? Of the United States?
Oh, hell no.
If I were Poppy and his old pit bull Babs, I'd be so embarrassed after their firstborn's presidential stint, I'd fade into the woodwork like Nixon had the courtesy to do.
But Poppy has the balls to publicly admit he still has hopes for getting another one of his demon spawn into the Oval Office? What?
Hell, they haven't even finished vacuuming the pretzel crumbs and sunflower seeds out of the White House sofa cushions and he's thinking about Jeb. It's insane.
The Bushes have had their turn and they failed.
It's over.
Move on.
Delusion runs in their family.
as someone who lives in floriduhhh, i can tell you that there is a huge problem here. it used to be you couldn't swing a palm frond without hitting a prominent democrat. nowadays, there does not seem to be any dems who are well known statewide. all hopes seems to always hinge on alex sink, but i doubt that most people even recognize her name outside of tampa and tallahassee. i don't know why floriduhhh dems are not putting decent candidates in the spotlight. they seem to wait for elections, and they shove someone out from the shadows, while people scratch their heads, wondering who that person is. they have to spend so much time introducing the person, there is not a lot of time to explain what s/he stands for. i don't doubt that jebby could win the senate seat, based on name recognition alone, even if the name is bush. it makes me want to vomit.
I think one should not underestimate the stupidity of people ... therefore another Bush is possible ( I thought Jeb was the smart one ???)
What a horrible thought, but the Bush peres are blind to the shortcomings of their spawn.
The Republicans believe (and have been able to manifest, for the last 8 years), that all you need to do is find some affable crowd pleaser to whom you feed the party line and surround with party vermin, and, voila! The White House is yours!
Hence Palin '12.
Creeps me out, big-time.
Jeb looks suspiciously just like fat-headed Karl Rove if you ask me.
Jeb looks suspiciously just like fat-headed Karl Rove if you ask me.
The reason why H.W. wants Jeb to be president is to prevent the prosecution of the Bush crime family which has been continuously committing heinous crimes in the good old U.S.A. since WW2. Think Financing the Nazis, the Kennedy assassination, Iran Contra, 2 Iraq Wars, and more.
I'm happy to hear that Fat-Head Jeb won't be running for Senate. He must have enough snap to realize that if he went to DC he'd be blasted 24/7 about what a fuck up his brother was as prez.
Sad old man.
i guess vomiting on and massaging world leaders isnt enough....
i hope laura drives jeb and his smuggler wife somewhere
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