Laura Bush merrily told reporters that she "just forgot all about" Obama's unofficial State of the Union address.
That's right, she and her disinterested bum of a husband had better things to do than watch the President's first formal address to Congress.
So, I guess unless it involves them personally, neither Bush could give a rat's ass about the state of the nation.
How predictable was that?

Meanwhile, the new president and his wife have returned the White House to its former luster.
Their Wednesday night cocktail parties are all the rage, with musicians like Earth, Wind and Fire and Stevie Wonder on hand to get everyone out of their seats.
Can you imagine the White House rocking with Stevie Wonder's "Superstitious"? What bliss.
They say "forgot" but we know they were too drunk to sit through it.
Yeah, I'm sure by 8 p.m. they're both so toasted all they do is sit there staring at the ceiling until they pass out.
I'll bet there are burnt Newport butts all over the floor around her Lazyboy.
It's very disrespectful to refer to the never-elected former "acting" president of the U.S. as a "Lazyboy," who in his retirement is now enjoying eating the newly invented just for him pretzel-on-a-rope.
On the other hand, it would have been rather masochistic of her to watch......
I saw the end of the Stevie Wonder thing on PBS. It was very fine, indeed.
White house went from Ass to Class and we are better for it.
i hope laura bush drove those reporters home
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