I chilled the house down to about 68 last night so I'd sleep very snug under a down comforter. And I did.
This morning started out fine. Coffee and an English muffin. No cigs.
Reading e-mail. Reading blogs. No cigs.
Now it's a little after 11 and...well, every picture tells a story, don't it?
Gotta go move around. I am as twitchy as a horse.
Chew some flavored gum and twiddle a pencil or pen. Both will help.
Times like this remind me why Texans are famous for corny old sayings:
I'm as twitchy as a whore in church.
Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
You get the idea.
The last time I tried to quit... I went crazy and killed all the elephants in Wisconsin. That's why there are none here.
do something that takes a lot of concentration. the things you used to do with a ciggie burning away unsmoked in the ashtray, because you were so engrossed in what you were doing.
Best wishes, Karen. I never smoked, but my parents both quit back in the day. It was obviously no picnic for them.
Not to sound corny-- but maybe you can get some meditation CD's and try some deep breathing stuff.
If you have the time to do it, it will help you relax.
I know it's new age-y, but if you have ever tried that stuff - letting the tension flow away from you, etc, it really does work.
No meditation CDs.
My cats will not permit me to lie anywhere in a state of calm.
They think I'm asking them to play trampoline with Mommy.
Wishing you well, KZ. I'm too much of a wuss to kick caffeine let alone nicotine, so encouraging personal testimony is lacking.
I know resorting to eating is not so good, but might cooking be the next best thing? A major blog-tastic recipe frenzy? Post the pictures, donate the results. Just a thought.
Would it distract you from your funk to read that with respect to a health care plan someone said Obama,
(the Senate and Baucus) is (...like a child looking for a unicorn"? Because that line is so good it'll keep me smiling for a couple of days.
Baucus said that Obama expecting bipartisanship is like a child looking for a unicorn.
Back to my headache and shakes now.
Hey KZ-- You da leader in the house.... can't ya lock yourself in a room & leave the kitties out for 45 minutes?
Give them some catnip or something so they let you get your meditation or deep breathing on?
You might find a good stash of said music or yoga stuff @ the library.
Rep Weiner, D/NY, said Obama and the Senate is like a child looking for a unicorn. He's right and I still like it. Now get back to your shakes.
just think how much nicer the kitties will smell
They don't smoke.
Iain, I weaned myself off caffeine by substituting (in the filter) something called Teechino for coffee - over the course of 5 weeks and it was painless. Just kept adding more Teechino, and less coffee.
Good job KZD, obviously I neglected your blog while conversing with you elsewhere... d'oh!
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