In 2001, I was involved in a long distance relationship with a woman who lived Montreal.
She called me early that morning and told me to turn on the television.
As we spoke, I was looking at the AOL welcome screen and saw a photo of both towers on fire. I thought it was a movie still.
Then I turned on the news.
As the towers began to crumble, the Pentagon got hit.
Another commercial airliner crashed to the ground in Pennsylvania.
Now 8 years later and we've still not caught the mastermind, Saudi Arabian-born Osama bin Laden.
Bush chose instead to commit our troops and our treasure to a wild goose chase in Iraq, going after the Saudi king's enemy, Saddam Hussein.
More people have died in that senseless war than all the 9/11 victims.
Eight years later and President Obama has shifted the war to Afghanistan, where we should have stayed and finished the job eight years ago.
We can't keep fighting a 21st century war against a 13th century region.
The time to catch bin Laden has passed; it should have been accomplished seven years ago. It's just not worth the lives of hundreds of more American military souls.
We need to get our troops and money out of the Middle East now.
It makes me sad that NOTHING has replaced the Twin Towers, NOTHING! The "war" also gave Bush the perfect distraction and excuse (US security) to rape and pillage the US financial system while he kept us shaking in our boots about terrorism. So essentially the terrorists won.
I agree Zip, let's get the hell out of there and let them get back to fighting with each other for another thousand years.
The statute of limitations to use 9-11 as an excuse to continue warring has expired.
Worldwide, we are #37 in health care.
We've got money for bombs & wars, but not healthcare.
Connect the dots already!
plenty of money to kill people
not a nickel to help OUR OWN
why do americans love war so much - oh because they think it is all one JOhn Wayne movie
"The time to catch bin Laden has passed; it should have been accomplished seven years ago. It's just not worth the lives of hundreds of more American military souls.
We need to get our troops and money out of the Middle East now."
OK, so you're sayng we should've captured bin laden seven years ago, yet you also want to get the troops and money out.
Maybe we should send you over there naked as a hirsute hooker, smother you in hummus, and we can catch bin laden that way.
Other than that can you tell us YOUR plan in capturing him instead of making oxymoronic statements like "should've been captured 7 yrs ago" with "we need to pull out now."
P.S. Don't bother to respond, nitwit. I have deletion powers and you don't.
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