Today is Baby Jake's three month birthday.
He has big plans:
1. Torture his big brothers Nick and James.
2. Make a lot of noise.
3. Eat. Poop. Repeat.
4. Knock over something.
5. Race around a lot.
6. Stare at me.
7. Nap.
8. Follow me from room to room.
9. Get into things.
10.Climb my leg so he can help me on the computer.
i see he is doing what good kittens do -- sleep
tell him his god-brother george (not THAT george) sends his regards and says beg mom for endless cans of the expensive cat food, no cheap shit for him
Damn. I thought today was the 10th.
Actually he turns 3 months old tomorrow. And he's already gotten his birthday can of extremely fancy Sheba shredded chicken breast.
He ate the whole thing, too. Looks like another hearty eater in the family.
Happy birthday, you sweet little ball of fur!
Sweet Jaysus and I thought I spoiled my cats Karen!
I will be getting an MRI tomorrow..I will wish dear Baby Jake a happy B-day today.
I have a baby feline named Charlie. She follows pretty much the same schedule as Jake except she doesn't sleep..ok..maybe once in 24 hours.. ;p
He looks so innocent when he's sleeping.
Happy birthday baby Jake!
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