Okay, perhaps y'all aren't as obsessed with Amy Winehouse as I am, but surely by now you've heard about her skin problem that's caused bruising, redness and swelling. Many are saying that she is being treated with antibiotics for impetigo, but as a medical writer off and on for the last 15 years, I know that impetigo usually only hits kids with underdeveloped immune systems, and it may cause redness and tenderness but it doesn't usually cause the kind of chipmunk swelling Amy's kisser is showing.
I don't know what she has, but knowing what little I do about her, umm, hobbies, I think it's gotta be something more serious like a nasty staph infection, or worse.
I know for sure shooting street drugs can bring on a staph infection as quickly as you can say "rehab."
This chick has got to get her shit together before her head blows off her shoulders.
A little bitty antibiotic RX isn't gonna fix what she probably has.
Hear me now and believe me later.
It's so sad to watch talented singers/writers succumb to the nasty drugs like heroin.
I know nothing of her personal life and even less of her drug habits. I just hope she wakes the fuck up and gets a grip on herself.
Her music is way too good to have to think of her as this generation's Joplin, Hendrix or Morrison.
It makes me very worried about the void it might leave in my CD collection.
I will have to check her out on Youtube then..I am a blues lover mostly.
Every generation has an idiot-savant I think.
She is a perfect mix of the blues meets 60's girl bands like the Shangrilas.
Her music makes me wanna fall in move with a bad woman so I can moan and cry about it when she leaves me for some total loser.
Blues really? Damn, I will have to check her out then.
Her music makes me wanna fall in move with a bad woman so I can moan and cry about it when she leaves me for some total loser.
I bow before your greatness, Zip.
"Fall in love" is what I meant to write.
Gotta stop that bong-inspired posting.
My dear Karen..I do my best posting when it's "bong inspired" ;p
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