Yesterday, professional panderer John McCain and his robo-wife Cindy went to the Whitehouse to accept George Bush's dubiously valuable endorsement.
Bush hemmed and hawed and sort of endorsed him, after which McCain's was asked by a reporter whether he actually wanted the Resident to campaign for him, considering his approval rating of only 19 percent.
McCain mentioned Bush's "incredibly busy schedule" about five times in two minutes, which is political code for saying, "Oh, Hell,no."
But here's the kicker.
Bush then invited the McCains in for lunch.
Wow! A Whitehouse lunch with a potential new president should be an elegant affair, with delicious foods served in a lovely setting, right?
Bush served them hot dogs. You know, weenies. Gut bombs. Tube steaks.
How subtle, no? Bush must have thought it was quite hilarious to serve his former rival the culinary equivalent of turds.
And Laura obviously has no sense of decorum to allow such an insult.
Once again, we are reminded that the Bushes are lowbrow, uncouth, rude, cultureless trailer trash.
McCain should have told him where to stick those weiners, then gone to the media and said, "I think Bush has been the worst president in history, and I don't want his ignorant endorsement."
Now THAT would have been a brilliant campaign strategy.
hmmm, this is so symbolic I'm not even going to comment. Too easy.
I bet they used those cheap paper plates, too. You know, the kind where you have to use three or they bend in half.
we are reminded that the Bushes are lowbrow, uncouth, rude, cultureless trailer trash.
memo from the lowbrow, uncouth, rude, cultureless trailer trash.
"Please do not insulted us by associating us with the Bushes"
how is my god-kitten?
D-Cap, your little god-kitten is fine. His kitty fur is so light it looks almost pink. And he awakens me by staring at me until I open my eyes. He's very big on eye contact.
And I think he may be Jewish. He mews like this: "oyvey, oyvey."
Good Gawd, I damn near swallowed my tongue when I read the Jewish part in my inbox KZ ;)
I miss my kittehs horribly. I am tired of these dogs and want to go home now. I get to return to the valley Monday night.
Of course they used those shitty 250-ct plates for $1.99, but Pickles made sure to pull out her plastic (read: lead-coated) paper-plate holders from China to show how fancy things are in the White House.
my questions:
--Were the weenies boiled or actually grilled on the Weber?
--Good mustard, or Plochman's?
--White or wheat buns?
--real beef in the weenies, or just the assholes, lips, and ears mix?
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