Speaking of annoying people, please note to the right: I've added a new blog link to my small pile of favorites, Kill This Character.
The site made me laugh so much I actually begged like a $2 crack whore to join their team, and they let me!
Please go see my very first post. Toby Keith. BooYa!
Leave comments! Let the owner think I'm a good addition.
Brilliant entry, Karen!
Speaking of those goddamned truck ads: in states other than Texas (where everything is "Texas Tough"), the ads say the trucks are "Ford Tough." I guess "Idaho tough" just doesn't cut it.
And omg, please--I have nothing against teh gay men, but this picture of McFossil and Lie-berman about to French-kiss is making me wanna gag.
Who could say no to KarenZipDrive?
It is a brilliant little site. I followed Earthbound Misfit to it. Kill more characters, please!
Turns out it can't be real people, just the characters they play or roles they do in commercials. Or cartoon characters.
That rules out half the cast of "Project Runway."
As DCup says- who could say no to you???
Please kill off that lame writer character (as opposed to the lame actual writers) on L word (as a defense mechanism I have blocked her name from my psyche, but you know who I mean).
Politicians are cartoon characters, don't they count?
No, polluticians are real people. So they are off-limits for the blog.
Blogmom, for Kill This Character, Please!
You went after Holly Hunter. I love that woman. ;p
arent you glad you are one of the kool kids
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