Leave it to a zillionaire Republican broad to do a good thing, then wreck it by lying about it to make it seem better than it was.
I've mentioned before how the McCains seem to be stashing their adopted daughter Bridget in some undisclosed location, lest the NASCAR set of GOP voters scratch their low foreheads and wonder how an unattractive 'black' kid got into the McCain family.
We all know Cindy McCain was touring a Bangladesh orphanage 16years ago and spotted baby Bridget, all tore up with illnesses and a cleft palate, lying on the dirty floor.
She ended up taking Bridget and another baby (we don't know what she did with the other baby)back to America and telling John McCain, "Look what I got on a shopping trip to Bangladesh!"
I wonder if Cindy did it without first consulting McCain because she knew he'd pitch a raging red fit about giving his exalted name to a sickly dark-skinned kid from some Third World shithole?
It's a very kind thing Cindy did, adopting a special needs kid, then turning her life into a fairy tale of health, wealth and privilege.
But why oh why did Cindy have to lie and say that Mother Teresa was in on it? Why did she say that they spotted baby Bridget together while touring the orphanage?
Cindy McCain never even met Mother Teresa!
What the fuck is wrong with these people, having to fudge details that are so easily debunked?
Was Cindy McCain drugged up when she adopted the kid, so much so that she hallucinated Mother Teresa being by her side at the orphanage? Or was she so drugged up afterwards that she invented the Mother Teresa connection because she's so insecure she needed to name drop?
It may not be a lie of global importance, but it is a persistent lie that was posted on the McCain web site, then altered and reposted in response to those who spotted the lie and called her on it.
A lie may be as simple as stealing a cookie recipe and claiming credit for it. Or it may involve stealing prescription narcotics from a charity for personal consumption. Or it may involve pretending to know someone like Mother Teresa personally.
But a consistent pattern of small lies still amounts to a person who lies, gets caught in lying, and continues to lie.
By allowing his wife to be a serial liar, what does this tell us about McCain? Is it okay for people close to him to be liars because he's such a goddamn special guy?
Between all these slimy lies and a forgetful, doddering McCain trying to wedge in his POW story every time he's uncomfortable with questions he's being asked, I'm already sick of these two jerks.
He's not fit to serve and she's a conniving liar. Both are too filthy rich to relate to us normal mutts who have bills to pay and actual jobs to worry about.
I hope Joe Biden invests in some steel toed boots and continues to kick McCain's sniveling, wrinkled old neo-con ass at every opportunity.
I've had it.
I've had it, too!
You know, I hope someone can someday explain to me how these politician-type people think. Do they really think no one will notice this crap?
Great post, Karen Zipdrive! You say it soooooo well.
I did not know that Mother Teresa bullshit, but it always sounded... bullshitty to me.
Argh, it all makes me sick.
I was wondering why suddenly she was being trotted out after being hidden for so long.
I think that Cindy told McCain after the fact, adding sweetly, "After all... it's my money."
With all due respect, I disagree - the main point is that they adopted the kid , to turn her life into fairy tale.
I am OK with this kind white lies, just like I am OK with John Edwards having a mistress (in France, even the mistresses of politicians have mistresses !)
The real issue is war in Iraq, budget deficit, financial market regulation, health care ... not this, in my humble French opinion
...humble French opinion?
Love it!
Sonia, we Americans only have fun with sex when we think it's a little dirty and shameful.
What's it going to take to get you to enter this contest, McC**t Essay Contest? You're brilliant. You must.
this may be your best post, and you have had many best posts.
of course the right wing lying machine is already just trashing everything but cindy's lies
ive had it and i hate these people
Katie, all right already, quit with the kvetching.
I sent you my entry- enjoy. Now, go have a nice snack, dahlink.
I'm with Sonia on this one. Who among us has never told a lie? Ouch! Okay, who cast that first stone? Was it you, Karen? I'm not lying when I say that I am positive that *I* would not have the strength and courage to adopt a baby, "all tore up with illnesses and a cleft palate, lying on the dirty floor," from Bangladesh. I wouldn't even have the courage to tour a Bangladesh orphanage, with or without Mother Theresa! So leave poor, little rich girl Cindy alone and stick to kicking McLame's wrinkled old ass.
Oops! I forgot to say that I also agree with border explorer. It's a "great post" and "You say it soooooo well," even if I don't agree with you.
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