I didn't used to like Michelle Obama.
I thought her outspokenness and innate scowl would ruin Barack Obama's election chances.
I was wrong.
She's dynamic, strong, poised, and doggone it, people like her.
I can link you up to her speech, but my pal Dusty already did that, and her blog "Dusty's Right to be Left of Center" is listed to the right-->
But what I got from Michelle's speech was not the spoken words, it was the vibe.
The girl loves her husband.
Not in that Cindy McCain Ilovemyhusband robotic way, I mean she loves her husband emotionally, spiritually and yes, sexually. Yep, seeing her eyes shine and her body get lithe when she brought up their courtship, I could tell they have sexual heat together.
And I believe a man who has a loving woman as his wife is a relaxed man. A man who's regularly making love to his attractive wife is a calmer man. A less angry man. A happy man.
When Barack's face came on the TV screen on the convention stage after Michelle gave her speech, Michelle and their kids went wild. They adore their daddy, and little kids can't fake that shit.
The Obama family is about as Leave it to Beaver as we can get. They are young, vibrant, loving and smart.
They would bring life back into the White House, and I somehow trust that each morning when Barack leaves the White House residence to walk over to the West Wing, he's got something to energize him and keep him on the right track.
I think it's time we get a smart, happy guy in the White House.
We don't need some crusty old pain-wracked bastard with a legendary bad temper and a trophy wife with a drug problem.
Haven't we had enough dysfunctional families in the White House?
I'm sick of being led by violent, angry old white men who use fear as a tool to get votes.
We're still the most powerful country on Earth, and although our might has been diminished by mishandling, we still have nothing to fear. We can still afford to behave less like terrorized victims and more like self assured, benevolent giants.
I want a diplomatic president who understands that war is a last option. I want a president who lives in the present and looks forward to the future, not some old, bitter guy who cannot go a day without mentioning being a prisoner of war more than 40 years ago.
Is that too much to ask?
You got that right- brilliant post about a brilliant moment.
And that moment- as you so aptly say, speaks volumes as to what might be.
You RULE! (Right after Michelle, that is...) She was brilliant. You named all the implications.
There have been plenty of words written about Michelle Obama's speech. This is the best post I've read about it.
i always like michelle, i like her outspokedness. and i think she is hot.
I'd love to quote this entire post!
We are same paging sooo hard!
They are so in love, so wildly and desperately in love with each other. You can feel their chemistry. Knowing my president is having great sex gives me tremendous comfort.
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