I'm not elite by any means.
I live by choice in Texas, one of America's reddest states.
I own three pairs of cowboy boots, I eat red meat and I know how to shoot pool and drink beer.
Having established my credentials as a regular Jane who might be fun to have a beer with, let me say with full confidence if you're planning to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket, you're a fucking idiot.
If you watched Charlie Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin and came away with a positive impression of her, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think it doesn't matter that she didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think Palin and McCain are mavericks, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think either of them can save our rapidly declining economy, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think it's okay that they intend to continue Bush's folly in spending $10 billion a month in Iraq, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think Palin is right in destroying a woman's right to choose, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think Palin is any smarter than George W. Bush, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think Troopergate and Librarygate and all the other scandals surrounding Palin are fictitious, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think McCain and Palin will prevent gas prices from rising ever higher, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think either of them actually represent the teachings of Jesus Christ and live by His example, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think being able to see Russia from her home in Wasilla qualifies Palin as an authority on foreign policy, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think McCain is still young and bright enough to endure the rigors of being president, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think he has a suitable temperament to be president, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think Hillary supporters will switch their allegiance to Palin just because she's a woman, you're a fucking idiot.
If you have not been thoroughly offended by the outlandish lies and slanderous claims made by the GOP ticket against Obama, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think the news media has been biased in favor of Obama, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think Palin's slim experience in governing a state with fewer than a million residents somehow qualifies her to be vice president of the United States, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think I am harming Obama's chances by name calling, you're a fucking idiot, because the GOP have proven conclusively that negativity and petty name calling works.
Don't be a fucking idiot. Say no to McCain & Palin.
Note to self... get Karen to work on expressing herself more clearly. She can barely say what she thinks...
(Whoo fucking hoo sister, this is scorchingly brilliant.)
You know, you're going to make people cry if you call them names, you big meanie.
Zip, you are right on. I'm not a fucking idiot. This has finally pushed me over the edge. I have made up my mind.
I thought people would see through her as a "gimmick", I certainly have and now I am 100% behind Obama/ Biden.
Call me Rowdy, but not republican
It's niot good to hold things back. So just please tell us what you really think of her.
Karen, I don't know if you've seen it yet, but I've just come from a site where, if you write in YOUR name, you get a "new" name had Sarah Palin been your mother and named you at birth.
FYI, when I typed in YOUR name, I got.....wait for it..........
Continue to give 'em hell, Clamp Noodle!!!
ROWDY! I love you!!
Folks, my real life friend Rowdy is an old school Republican with deep roots to the GOP via her daddy and probably his daddy.
If my humble post made you decide to go with the only sensible choice this election, I am honored.
I believe Obama represents my own conservative values:
-Fiscal responsibility
-Strong diplomatic policies
-A shored-up national infrastructure
-Improved education = improved workforce
-Better treatment of military and veterans
-A balanced budget
-No borrowing money from communists
Welcome aboard, Rowdy. I see a very nice bottle of red in your future.
Brett I tried it and it said I'd be Khaki Salmon. Odd- I used to call myself Khaki before I was old enough to pronounce Karen.
And your name would be Chap Poach.
Readers, go to http://politsk.blogspot.com/2008/09/sarah_13.html
and tell us your name.
Lulu, actually I did see Chopra's piece and thought to myself, the people who should read this piece think Deepak Chopra is a veddy veddy bad terrorist.
I can't believe my luck:
Bang Walmart Palin
I'm not cheating! That's really it!
I read the Chopra piece. Really great.
I think we're going to see Obama pulling into the lead now. And wait for the debates!!!
Don't forget the very rethuglitard middle name - after all, I've been named after one of their gods - Wallmart.
Yeah I read he raised $66 million in August!! Hell yeah, I'll be chipping in more tomorrow. Most people now are giving out of every paycheck. What the hell, it's an investment in my future.
Here's a new fun trend - Rightwing "pundits" like George Will are claiming they didn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is! I kid you not! And then lefties are doing simple googles and calling out their lies! It's too funny!
John Fund musta been given his talking points instructions on Maher the other night, eh? LOL!!
You're right Bang Walmart, it was $66 million. My mistake.
Hard to believe these GOP talking heads claim not to know the cornerstone of Bush's foreign policy.
No wonder the GOP mascot is the elephant. Bulls just don't crap enough to make "bullshit" significant enough to describe these lying snivelers.
Yay for Rowdy!
Krinkle Bearcat Palin
Gastronomically speaking, Karen, nothing, but NOTHING enhances the subtle piquancy of Khaki Salmon like a side of Clamp Noodle!!!
BTW, while your keystrokes resulted in "Chap Poach" (not bad, but I've been in a monogamous relationship now for 5+ years, so my "poaching" days are history), my original search (I use my middle name) resulted in "Spine Breeder" Palin.......
Is that the Alaska version of Ass Fucker????? Bwaaaahaaaahaaaa!!!
You said it all!
I was thrilled to hear Obama's August total was $66 million. Let's hope it goes to good use and his poll numbers start to skyrocket.
Welcome, Sack Panther!
Bang Walmart Palin
My name would be Rifle Panzer Palin. I'm trying very hard not to get terribly stuck up.
Rifle Panzer Palin?
Sounds very pre-war germany... just sayin'...
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