Yep, here's what Judy and Joe Sixpack will be staring at while standing in the check-out line at the supermarket later this week.
And it's too bad for Sarah Palin that magazines like this are exactly where the Judys and Joes of America get most of their political information.
And they don't like it when people have scandals.
Scandals killed John Edwards' career.
Scandals ruined Bill Clinton's reputation.
And from Troopergate, to the Bridge to Nowhere, to the shotgun wedding of Bristol Palin, the governor has hit a scandal trifecta.
Yep, when US Magazine disses someone on their cover, there's a name for it. It's called getting Britney-ized!
Buh Bye, Sarah.
Uh, oh... Mr. and Mrs. NASCAR aren't going to like that a-talll!
And, I dare say, Mr. & Mrs. Flagwear won't either.
Mrs. and Mr. Slack-jawed Mouth Breather will probably be more likely to read this than the elitist "People" magazine, methinks. Whoops!
Ruined by the same rag that dummied people down into voting for you.... priceless.
Ya got that right--'US' is the blue collar version of 'People.'
Pass the jelly, please.
I prefer butter on mine!
As I have said before, Obama needs the National Enquirer vote as well as the New Republic vote.
You're doing a bang up job, K.Z.!
Matty Boy I owe it all to Distributor Cap- he's the one who shared this cover.
I think she has to actually KILL her baby to lose the New Republic vote.
Oh wait! I nearly forgot: They only care if it's not born yet.
Ahh... the NASCAR Enquirer. They ruined Edwards campaign for... ??? Now they've dumped on the the prince of Budweiser, and princess of Mooseburger (Sandwhich?).
Belly up to the GOP Bar & Grill.
Nice thread.
Let's chew on this - Palin hasn't given one major media interview yet. She's either being kept under wraps in case she doesn't pan out or she's been seriously prepped before they turn her loose.
It's important not to take the eye off the ball when it comes to Palin. It's easy to get wrapped up in the gossip and scandal, but here is the lowdown on this nominee.
Sarah Palin is an extremely dangerous VP pick. This woman is off the far right hand edge. She may very well be the most extreme right-wing candidate ever presented for any ticket. Maybe even worse than Jack Kemp.
A story is now breaking of some remarks she had recently given during a commencment speech to a graduating class of commission students. In those remarks lay this tasty little morsel:
"She urged students to pray 'that our leaders -- that our national leaders -- are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God.'”
This woman is off the deep end. There were other questionable remarks in that speech that would make one ponder how extreme she really is.
Dcup, that's pretty damn chewy, alright. And I hear they keep "rescheduling" her RNC appearance? Any truth to that?
Independent - you're right. That's one whackjob that shouldn't get anywhere CLOSE to the WH.
We're doing all we can to make sure these lies don't get swept under the rug.
Hey you guys did you see a guy named Pablo's post at Gryphen's?? He's claiming Insurance Fraud!! Go read!
Yo Indy...good one..got a link to that quote about the God thing? I would love to use it,.
Helen - I did see Pabo's comment. There's a follow up regarding adoption. I don't know anything about the insurance rules so I won't comment.
I have heard that Palin's RNC appearance keeps shifting. Something is up. The media is still asking questions about the vetting process.
OMG!!!! Something huge is going to happen soon. AND the shrub is supposedly putting his BIG BROTHER face on a monitor for a SPEESH tonight. It's the last thing I'll be watching because I like keeping my dinner down.
did Britney endorse Sarah yet?
No but Jamie Lynn wants to be her BFF...
Sorry for the late reply, but here is one link from the Washington Post. I'm sure an editor will be fired over this:
Thank You Indy..I will incorporate that article into a post I am doing today. :)
I found it of great use as well and posted about it on my blog today. Thanks, Independent!
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