I read over at the Huffington Post that Hillary Clinton has no intentions of going after Palin personally.
WTF? Why not?
We Democrats have our own pit bull in lipstick, yet she's voluntarily put herself on a leash and strapped on a muzzle?
Why is she keeping her powder dry, to ensure her run for 2012?
Oh, no way is this happening.
Why? Why? Why?
Our damned party is doing it again- rolling over on its back and allowing the GOP dogs to pee on them.
Hillary, you don't need to grow a set- we all know you have a perfectly gigantic set of balls.
Now use them, stupid.
I cold not agree more. She needs to go after Palin and her creepy running mate. Palin was added to get Hillary voters, so HIllary needs to be a good soldier and shoot that down.
Hillary should be aghast that Palin suggested during her first speech to the media that "a woman in this race still has a chance to shatter that glass ceiling."
Wrong woman.
Hillary ought to be saying that, and why she's the wrong woman.
MAN that pic of Hillary scared the piss outa me!
If she truly wants Obama to win she'll call Palin out on her bullshit. If Hillary doesn't help, then it's obvious she's a spiteful person who puts personal ambition over party.
THAT'S the face Palin needs to see coming at her.
THAT'S a face I hope I never see coming at me!!!
yikes, and that's the face Bill probably saw at 3am when he woke her up and confessed about Monica. But with her nails poised to take half his face off.
I see the scathing wit runs in the family... LOL!
She is THE one person who can do this... and that she is not, is really upsetting me.
This photo deserves a caption contest.
i saw this -- i have to wonder why?
I'm just about to give up. Check out the 9/7 cover of Newsweek. "Palin-to-logy"
OMG this MSM has no intention of giving us even a shred of a break. WTF!!
I'm just hoping that those electoral votes hold. Obama's still way ahead there, apparently.
And Newsweek has had Obama on the cover too... hope that helps....
i have to disagree, karen. i think hillary is striking just the right tone. if she attacks palin, that makes her more important. instead, she attacks mccain. hillary ran for president, not veep. if she attacks palin, that's saying that palin is a substitute for hillary, which she isn't. she is not on a par with her, so hillary should not lower herself to entering a catfight with the bitch.
sometimes, not saying something is more powerful than saying it. hillary is a woman, and palin is a woman. it doesn't have to be pointed out, just as nobody has to say that capt. underpants is old or obama is black. there are certain things that are quite evident to the observer. hillary standing up and giving intelligent speeches with rapier-sharp humor will be compared to sister sarah's reading of sarcastic, junior-high style humor in everyone's minds. hillary doesn't have to lower herself to sister palin's standards for the point to be made. if she insults sister sarah directly, then it gives more fodder to the other side. it's better for everyone to pile on capt. underpants and remind everyone that he's the one at the top of the ticket.
there are plenty of other dem women, especially female dem governors, who can take on sister sarah more effectively.
What nonnie said. And I think the following from Leah Renna brings it all home:
wellsaid, Nonnie! I think you're right... after thinking about it for awhile. Better Hillary snub her than give her validation.
thanks bigsis and helenwheels!
the other thing i thought of after i had posted the comments was this--if hillary is delegated to bash sister sarah, then the rethugs will undoubtedly say that obama needs a girl to fight his fights for him. they will make him out to be a wuss. that's how they think, and that's how they twist things. that won't be a problem with the female dems who are not as high-profile as hillary. they can take sister sarah apart, because they will be speaking on a more local level rather than nationally.
Another VERY good point, nonnie! That IS exactly how they think. I should know, I have a neocon blog-stalker for the past 2 years. You are spot on!
Good points all around.
But what definitely needs to happen is Obama needs to get Palin out of his head and pick up that hammer again and start pounding away:
Nonnie makes some good points. Besides, I'm sick of Palin already. Once the media has its fill of her, they'll get on to other things.
Hoewever, did you see Maureen Dowd's very funny piece in the Sunday NY Times? It's a debate between the two women, predicated on the probability of McCain's victory this November, and now the two are squared off for the Oval Office in 2012.
Check it out. Maureen at her tackiest!
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