"Heh heh, I know, let's decorate the war reports with all sorts of Bible quotes and such, and that idiot Bush will eat it up!"
"Think so?"
"Oh, I know so. All we have to do now is find someone to get us some good Bible quotes and we can superimpose them on pictures of soldiers and such."
"He can't be that gullible."
"Yeah? Try this: 'And Jesus came forth and spake: those who soweth the truth of His Goodness shall serve Him by vanquishing the infidels.'"
"That sounded good, did you just make that up?"
"Yes, but we'd better use real quotes in case he knows how to look them up."
"Uh huh, but who knows all that stuff?"
"Get Condi to get on the Google machine, she's not busy."
"A splendid plan!"
You have to think those a-holes did prank Bush....
every day i cannot figure out who to hate more
they are all such loathsome drek -
About 9 years ago, my cat James was a baby and a friend gave him a fabric Newt Gingrich chew toy.
Who knew that dirty old toy would be be around long enough for that prick's political resurrection?
Time to stick the pins back in.
Hey Zipler:
Your pictures of Chreyney and Rumsfeld don't have horns on them. Could it be that you have the wrong picture?
Eeuww, if having thorns makes one thorny, I think I'll pass on these two old farts having horns.
I can't do better than this and it is what I feel.
"every day i cannot figure out who to hate more
they are all such loathsome drek -" Thanks Dcap for saying for me.
Hey Savage:
Don't forget that Closet Torturer Nancy Pelosi!
There's nothing scarier than a religious zealot without the intellect to understand religion.
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