If I hear one more Republican bragging about how they kept us safe after 9/11, I may have to rip my own ears off.
Let's get something straight.
Nine-eleven happened on Bush's watch because most of the perpetrators were Saudis, the Saudis own Bush and they knew they could get away with it.

Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi mastermind of 9/11, is from a prestigious Saudi family, sort of like a Rockefeller or a DuPont in America.
If ever there was a clear shot at crashing hijacked airplanes into American skyscrapers, it was on Bush's watch.
The Bush Administration did not keep us safe- they attracted the 9/11 attack because they were weak.
kept us safe? they spent all the fucking money we had and more in a war we should never have started and allowed little children to be poisoned by lead toys because nobody was doing inspections. safe? from poison food that nobody was inspecting, because chimpy & co. didn't want to cramp big business' style. safe? even dogs were poisoned and died. tell me again how safe we all were.
such a cute couple there... and they came unglued over obama's lil bow. what about that bush-abdullah motel encounter?
I don't know if they were weak, so much as they were greedy beyond all comprehension. Who cares if they bankrupted the greatest nation on earth and sold out our freedoms for their own bank accounts? They're beyond weak, Karen. They're just plain evil.
The media seems to be enjoying Dick being a Dick. At least its a brief respite from all the Rush crap. Palin's got someone writing a book for her so maybe she'll be the next puke provoking repub to fill the airwaves.
The one thing I never feel under a republican regime is safe.
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