Dig this lunatic's mugshot, then tell me justice wasn't served by finding him guilty of second degree murder.
I may be a flaming liberal, but I just love it when bad guys get what's coming to them.
I hope they liquidate his assets and use them to pay for all the court time he ate up in both trials, then give the rest to battered women's shelters all over California.
I hope they put him in a cell with Charlie Manson and let them spend the rest of their lives trying to out-crazy each other.
He does rank high on the creepy-o-meter.
i don't really care what happens to him. i'm just glad he won't have access to guns anymore. why was this man ever allowed to own them?
After watching the first trial non-stop, I was livid that 2 star struck jurors caused a mistrial. I was doing a happy dance last night after hearing this "just" verdict. What a toad!
Lana Clarkson was killed BEFORE the Iraq war started, and this guy is finally going to jail.
We have to fix the system.
He's batshit insane, and I'm glad justice was finally done, but Matty Boy's right: Why did this take so long?
Thanks for the nightmares, Zip!
Good bey wall of sound hello wall of Big Steve biaaaatch. Might wanna un-pretty that coiffe just a bit before taking up residence as a guest of the state Spec...
His rep for pulling guns on people finally caught up with him. The guy's a mess.
He looks like he could be the malnourished kin of Reba and he can't quit his Mountain Dew addiction.
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