BigSis and I are ganging up this weekend to make a birthday feast for MidSis.
I'm thinking of photographing what we make to use in a new foodie blog.
Like that idea?
I need some suggestions for what to call the new blog. Will you please help?
I'd detail the menu now, but MidSis sometimes reads Pulp Friction and I don't want to spoil the surprise.
Suffice it to say, it'll be good.
Rowdy is one of the best cooks ever. She's also an expert fisherwoman who can make a redfish get up and dance the Macarena on your tastebuds.
When she was a student at Texas A&M, she actually took a course called Meat101. Her grilled steaks tell me she must have gotten an A+.
alimentary, dear watson? insanity fare? readers' digestion? culinary farts? aw hell, i got nuthin'.
i like jess'
I'll leave it to your excellent capacity for invention.
p.s. I am ever intrigued by people who associate voluntarily with their siblings... envy you that.
You and Matty would SO get along--both of you foodies with your Meyer lemons and such.
Oh, and I meant MY matty (with whom I'm moving) not Matty Boy from SF.
Mmmm Meyer lemons are spectacular.
I'm glad you sobered up before you went with our choice of "Karen's Kozy Kitchen."
Yeah, somehow we decided KKK would be a bad acronym.
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